Combustion, chemistry, and carbon neutrality
K Kohse-Höinghaus - Chemical Reviews, 2023 - ACS Publications
Combustion is a reactive oxidation process that releases energy bound in chemical
compounds used as fuels─ energy that is needed for power generation, transportation …
compounds used as fuels─ energy that is needed for power generation, transportation …
Perspective of the role of hydrogen in the 21st century energy transition
Hydrogen is gaining momentum in the current global energy transition framework. In fact a
great and widespread enthusiasm is growing up towards it, as indicated by the current …
great and widespread enthusiasm is growing up towards it, as indicated by the current …
Combustion machine learning: Principles, progress and prospects
Progress in combustion science and engineering has led to the generation of large amounts
of data from large-scale simulations, high-resolution experiments, and sensors. This corpus …
of data from large-scale simulations, high-resolution experiments, and sensors. This corpus …
A review of ammonia as a compression ignition engine fuel
P Dimitriou, R Javaid - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020 - Elsevier
During the past decades, the diesel engine has been through times of upheaval, boom and
bust. At the beginning of the century, almost 50% of the new vehicle registrations in the …
bust. At the beginning of the century, almost 50% of the new vehicle registrations in the …
An experimental, theoretical and kinetic-modeling study of the gas-phase oxidation of ammonia
A complete understanding of the mechanism of ammonia pyrolysis and oxidation in the full
range of operating conditions displayed by industrial applications is one of the challenges of …
range of operating conditions displayed by industrial applications is one of the challenges of …
Research progress of ammonia combustion toward low carbon energy
Carbon-free energy carriers like hydrogen and ammonia have drawn increasing interest as
the world is committed to building a carbon-neutral future. Compared with the popular …
the world is committed to building a carbon-neutral future. Compared with the popular …
Ignition delay time and laminar flame speed measurements of ammonia blended with dimethyl ether: a promising low carbon fuel blend
Ammonia (NH 3) has recently received much attention as a promising future fuel for mobility
and power generation. The use of ammonia as a fueling vector can help curb global …
and power generation. The use of ammonia as a fueling vector can help curb global …
Combustion chemistry of aromatic hydrocarbons
Aromatic hydrocarbons are important components of petroleum-based transportation fuels,
biomass, coal, and solid waste, etc. The reaction kinetics of aromatic hydrocarbons largely …
biomass, coal, and solid waste, etc. The reaction kinetics of aromatic hydrocarbons largely …
A comprehensive review on lignin pyrolysis: Mechanism, modeling and the effects of inherent metals in biomass
This work comprehensively reviews the pyrolysis of lignin from the aspects of mechanism,
modeling, and effects of inorganic species. Initially, the lignin general pyrolysis …
modeling, and effects of inorganic species. Initially, the lignin general pyrolysis …
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on the laminar flame propagation of ammonia under oxygen enrichment and elevated pressure conditions
Ammonia is attracting more and more attentions due to its role as both a carbon-free fuel for
gas turbines and an effective H 2 carrier. Only a limit number of investigations on the laminar …
gas turbines and an effective H 2 carrier. Only a limit number of investigations on the laminar …