The placenta as a model for understanding the origin and evolution of vertebrate organs
How organs originate and evolve is a question fundamental to understanding the evolution
of complex multicellular life forms. Vertebrates have a relatively standard body plan with …
of complex multicellular life forms. Vertebrates have a relatively standard body plan with …
The evolution and physiology of male pregnancy in syngnathid fishes
The seahorses, pipefishes and seadragons (Syngnathidae) are among the few vertebrates
in which pregnant males incubate develo** embryos. Syngnathids are popular in studies …
in which pregnant males incubate develo** embryos. Syngnathids are popular in studies …
Embryo implantation evolved from an ancestral inflammatory attachment reaction
The molecular changes that support implantation in eutherian mammals are necessary to
establish pregnancy. In marsupials, pregnancy is relatively short, and although a placenta …
establish pregnancy. In marsupials, pregnancy is relatively short, and although a placenta …
How mountains shape biodiversity: The role of the Andes in biogeography, diversification, and reproductive biology in South America's most species-rich lizard …
Testing hypotheses on drivers of clade evolution and trait diversification provides insight into
many aspects of evolutionary biology. Often, studies investigate only intrinsic biological …
many aspects of evolutionary biology. Often, studies investigate only intrinsic biological …
SquamBase—A database of squamate (Reptilia: Squamata) traits
Motivation I present a database that contains information on multiple key traits for all 11,744
recognised species of squamates worldwide. The database encompasses key traits and a …
recognised species of squamates worldwide. The database encompasses key traits and a …
A global analysis of viviparity in squamates highlights its prevalence in cold climates
Aim Viviparity has evolved more times in squamates than in any other vertebrate group;
therefore, squamates offer an excellent model system in which to study the patterns, drivers …
therefore, squamates offer an excellent model system in which to study the patterns, drivers …
Know your farmer: ancient origins and multiple independent domestications of ambrosia beetle fungal cultivars
Bark and ambrosia beetles are highly specialized weevils (Curculionidae) that have
established diverse symbioses with fungi, most often from the order Ophiostomatales …
established diverse symbioses with fungi, most often from the order Ophiostomatales …
The functional genetic architecture of egg-laying and live-bearing reproduction in common lizards
All amniotes reproduce either by egg-laying (oviparity), which is ancestral to vertebrates or
by live-bearing (viviparity), which has evolved many times independently. However, the …
by live-bearing (viviparity), which has evolved many times independently. However, the …
Extended embryo retention and viviparity in the first amniotes
The amniotic egg with its complex fetal membranes was a key innovation in vertebrate
evolution that enabled the great diversification of reptiles, birds and mammals. It is debated …
evolution that enabled the great diversification of reptiles, birds and mammals. It is debated …
[PDF][PDF] Different genes are recruited during convergent evolution of pregnancy and the placenta
The repeated evolution of the same traits in distantly related groups (convergent evolution)
raises a key question in evolutionary biology: do the same genes underpin convergent …
raises a key question in evolutionary biology: do the same genes underpin convergent …