Understanding polaritonic chemistry from ab initio quantum electrodynamics

M Ruggenthaler, D Sidler, A Rubio - Chemical Reviews, 2023 - ACS Publications
In this review, we present the theoretical foundations and first-principles frameworks to
describe quantum matter within quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the low-energy regime …

Non-hermitian physics

Y Ashida, Z Gong, M Ueda - Advances in Physics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
A review is given on the foundations and applications of non-Hermitian classical and
quantum physics. First, key theorems and central concepts in non-Hermitian linear algebra …

[HTML][HTML] Cavity quantum materials

F Schlawin, DM Kennes, MA Sentef - Applied Physics Reviews, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
The emergent field of cavity quantum materials bridges collective many-body phenomena in
solid state platforms with strong light–matter coupling in cavity quantum electrodynamics …

[CARTE][B] The Jaynes–Cummings model and its descendants: modern research directions

J Larson, T Mavrogordatos - 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The Jaynes–Cummings Model (JCM) has recently been receiving increased attention as
one of the simplest, yet intricately nonlinear, models of quantum physics. Emphasising the …

Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter

A Frisk Kockum, A Miranowicz, S De Liberato… - Nature Reviews …, 2019 - nature.com
Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter has, in the past decade, transitioned from a
theoretical idea to an experimental reality. It is a new regime of quantum light–matter …

Ultrastrong coupling regimes of light-matter interaction

P Forn-Díaz, L Lamata, E Rico, J Kono, E Solano - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2019 - APS
Recent experiments have demonstrated that light and matter can mix together to an extreme
degree, and previously uncharted regimes of light-matter interactions are currently being …

Microwave photonics with superconducting quantum circuits

X Gu, AF Kockum, A Miranowicz, Y Liu, F Nori - Physics Reports, 2017 - Elsevier
In the past 20 years, impressive progress has been made both experimentally and
theoretically in superconducting quantum circuits, which provide a platform for manipulating …

Strongly enhanced light–matter coupling of monolayer WS2 from a bound state in the continuum

E Maggiolini, L Polimeno, F Todisco, A Di Renzo… - Nature Materials, 2023 - nature.com
Exciton–polaritons derived from the strong light–matter interaction of an optical bound state
in the continuum with an excitonic resonance can inherit an ultralong radiative lifetime and …

Introduction to the Dicke Model: From Equilibrium to Nonequilibrium, and Vice Versa

P Kirton, MM Roses, J Keeling… - Advanced Quantum …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The Dicke model describes the coupling between a quantized cavity field and a large
ensemble of two‐level atoms. When the number of atoms tends to infinity, this model can …

High-power collective charging of a solid-state quantum battery

D Ferraro, M Campisi, GM Andolina, V Pellegrini… - Physical review …, 2018 - APS
Quantum information theorems state that it is possible to exploit collective quantum
resources to greatly enhance the charging power of quantum batteries (QBs) made of many …