The state of the world's mangrove forests: past, present, and future
Intertidal mangrove forests are a dynamic ecosystem experiencing rapid changes in extent
and habitat quality over geological history, today and into the future. Climate and sea level …
and habitat quality over geological history, today and into the future. Climate and sea level …
[HTML][HTML] Global mangrove deforestation and its interacting social-ecological drivers: A systematic review and synthesis
Globally, mangrove forests are substantially declining, and a globally synthesized database
containing the drivers of deforestation and drivers' interactions is scarce. Here, we …
containing the drivers of deforestation and drivers' interactions is scarce. Here, we …
Ecosystem services and disservices of mangrove forests and salt marshes
Coastal wetlands such as mangrove forests and saltmarshes provide a range of important
benefits to people, broadly defined as ecosystem services. These include provisioning …
benefits to people, broadly defined as ecosystem services. These include provisioning …
Impact of wood harvesting on mangrove forest structure, composition and biomass dynamics in India
Mangrove forest are used widely for meeting fuelwood needs of local communities in the
tropics. However, the implications of fuelwood extraction on mangrove ecology has received …
tropics. However, the implications of fuelwood extraction on mangrove ecology has received …
Mangroves in the Galapagos: ecosystem services and their valuation
Mangroves provide many benefits to human welfare, but they are disappearing rapidly;
Ecuador and countries within the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) region have lost over 40 …
Ecuador and countries within the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) region have lost over 40 …
[HTML][HTML] State of the art of geodiversity, geoconservation, and geotourism in Costa Rica
A Quesada-Román, D Pérez-Umaña - Geosciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
Over the last decades, Costa Rica became established as a world-leading ecotourism
destination due to its environmental policies and environmental awareness. The country is …
destination due to its environmental policies and environmental awareness. The country is …
Neotropical mangroves: Conservation and sustainable use in a scenario of global climate change
This study assesses the evolution of major anthropogenic drivers of environmental impacts
on Neotropical mangroves, the changes in the environmental pressures acting upon them …
on Neotropical mangroves, the changes in the environmental pressures acting upon them …
Ecosystem services and disservices of mangrove forests: insights from historical colonial observations
DA Friess - Forests, 2016 - mdpi.com
Ecosystem services are now strongly applied to mangrove forests, though they are not a
new way of viewing mangrove-people interactions; the benefits provided by such habitats …
new way of viewing mangrove-people interactions; the benefits provided by such habitats …
The mangrove-fishery relationship: A local ecological knowledge perspective
Mangroves, one of the major coastal ecosystems of tropical and subtropical regions, are
critical habitats for fish and crustaceans, and provide a number of ecosystem services to …
critical habitats for fish and crustaceans, and provide a number of ecosystem services to …
Beyond ecosystem services: using charismatic megafauna as flagship species for mangrove forest conservation
The flagship species paradigm (FSP) involves the selection of a species to strategically front
conservation efforts and marketing campaigns. Chosen species are often charismatic …
conservation efforts and marketing campaigns. Chosen species are often charismatic …