Comparative heating experiments on flint from the Côte Chalonnaise, Burgundy, France

JA Frick, CT Hoyer, K Herkert, H Floss - Anthropologie (1962-), 2012 - JSTOR
During the last 50 years, heating experiments on different variations of siliceous rocks have
been conducted. In the beginning, the primary focus was on North American variations …

Fire and “noise” in late Paleolithic camps: An investigation of issues in locating hearths

I Sobkowiak-Tabaka, A Diachenko - Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 2020 - Springer
The acidic sandy environment of the Late Paleolithic sites on the North European Plain
usually prevents preservation of not only organic debris such as burnt bones or charcoal but …

Experimental heating of Moravian cherts and its implication for Palaeolithic chipped stone assemblages

M Moník, Z Nerudová, P Schnabl - Archaeometry, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The applicability of colour, magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization
measurements for the identification of heated or accidentally burned Palaeolithic cherts from …

Eastern periphery of the Magdalenian world. Wierzawice 31 hunting campsite (SE Poland)

D Bobak, M Łanczont, A Nowak… - Sprawozdania …, 2022 -
Wierzawice 31 site is one of the easternmost Magdalenian sites, situated in the south-
eastern corner of the Kolbuszowa Plateau surrounded, to the east, by the broad San River …

[HTML][HTML] Raw material, production and use of lithic tools in the Neolithic of Lower Silesia in the light of records from site 29 at Księginice Wielkie, distr. Strzelin …

B Kufel, A Mikołajczyk, W Fabisiak - Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2010 -
The paper presents results of technological and functional analyses of flint artefacts from the
site 29 at Księginice Wielkie, distr. Strzelin (SW Poland) dated back to the Lengyel culture. In …

[PDF][PDF] fiEld survEy and MatErials

D Bobak, M Łanczont, A Nowak, P Mroczek… - Sprawozdania …, 2022 -
AbstrAct Bobak D., Łanczont M., Nowak A., Mroczek P., Połtowicz-Bobak M. and
Standzikowski K. 2022. Eastern periphery of the Magdalenian world. Wierzawice 31 hunting …


M MONÍK, Z NERUDOVÁ, P SCHNABL - Anthropologie (1962-), 2020 - JSTOR
The existence of fire/hearths at Upper Palaeolithic sites is highly expected due to the cold
glacial climate. However, fireplaces/hearths are missing at several Late Upper Palaeolithic …


WŁ AW - Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne -
This paper presents a reconstruction of a funeral rite at the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age
urnfield graveyard in Janowice (site 44, Western Carpathians) in the sense of a sequence of …

[CITÁCIA][C] Badania nad rekonstrukcją sposobów wytwarzania wybranych typów narzędzi metalowych w późnej epoce brązu. Dwuczęściowe gliniane formy …

K Nowak - Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2018