Bio-inspired routing algorithms survey for vehicular ad hoc networks

S Bitam, A Mellouk, S Zeadally - IEEE Communications Surveys …, 2014‏ -
Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) play a key role in the design and development of
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that aim to improve road safety and transportation …

Introduction to cellular genetic algorithms

E Alba, B Dorronsoro - Cellular Genetic Algorithms, 2008‏ - Springer
Research in exact algorithms, heuristics and metaheuristics for solving combinatorial
optimization problems is nowadays highly on the rise. The main advantage of using exact …

A cellular multi-objective genetic algorithm for optimal broadcasting strategy in metropolitan MANETs

E Alba, B Dorronsoro, F Luna, AJ Nebro… - Computer …, 2007‏ - Elsevier
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are composed of a set of communicating devices which
are able to spontaneously interconnect without any pre-existing infrastructure. In such kind …

A comparison of single-and multi-hop beaconing in VANETs

J Mittag, F Thomas, J Härri, H Hartenstein - Proceedings of the sixth ACM …, 2009‏ -
Optimizing vehicular communication strategies is important for an efficient usage of the
available wireless bandwidth and also critical for the success of VANETs. In this paper we …

Enabling accurate cross-layer PHY/MAC/NET simulation studies of vehicular communication networks

J Mittag, S Papanastasiou, H Hartenstein… - Proceedings of the …, 2011‏ -
Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications is required for numerous
applications that aim at improving traffic safety and efficiency. In this setting, however …

METCO: a parallel plugin-based framework for multi-objective optimization

C Leon, G Miranda, C Segura - International Journal on Artificial …, 2009‏ - World Scientific
This paper presents a parallel framework for the solution of multi-objective optimization
problems. The framework implements some of the best known multi-objective evolutionary …

A scalable data dissemination protocol for both highway and urban vehicular environments

RS Schwartz, H Scholten, P Havinga - EURASIP Journal on Wireless …, 2013‏ - Springer
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) enable the timely broadcast dissemination of event-
driven messages to interested vehicles. Especially when dealing with broadcast …

Information dissemination in VANETs based upon a tree topology

P Ruiz, B Dorronsoro, P Bouvry, L Tardón - Ad Hoc Networks, 2012‏ - Elsevier
In this work, we focus on vehicular ad hoc networks, also called VANETs, which are
communication networks that devices (in this case vehicles) use to exchange messages in a …

Mobile Ad Hoc networks: modelling, simulation and broadcast-based applications

L Hogie - 2007‏ -
Over the last few years, personal communication devices have invaded most developed
countries and today, the majority of the population owns a mobile phone and most people …

Towards connectivity improvement in VANETs using bypass links

B Dorronsoro, P Ruiz, G Danoy… - 2009 IEEE Congress …, 2009‏ -
VANETs are ad hoc networks in which devices are vehicles moving at high speeds. This
kind of network is getting more and more importance since it has many practical and …