Bit-Parallel Approximate Matching of Circular Strings with k Mismatches

T Hirvola, J Tarhio - Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA), 2017 -
We consider approximate string matching of a circular pattern consisting of the rotations of a
pattern of length m. From SBNDM and Tuned Shift-Add, we derive a sublinear-time …

Analysis of DNA sequence pattern matching: a brief survey

M Ravikumar, MC Prashanth - Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine …, 2021 - Springer
In this review paper, we have given different methods which are used to match the patterns
and also sequences of DNA structures. From the thorough literature survey, we also …

[PDF][PDF] Algorithms and optimized implementations in context of circular string and relevant web security

M Samir, C Illiopoulos, I Pu, A Bounceur - 2017 -
This chapter provides a brief introduction to the content of this thesis. I have developed
efficient algorithms and implemented web based tools on circular pattern matching. While …