Automated writing evaluation systems: A systematic review of Grammarly, Pigai, and Criterion with a perspective on future directions in the age of generative artificial …
L Ding, D Zou - Education and Information Technologies, 2024 - Springer
With the burgeoning popularity and swift advancements of automated writing evaluation
(AWE) systems in language classrooms, scholarly and practical interest in this area has …
(AWE) systems in language classrooms, scholarly and practical interest in this area has …
A systematic review of AI-based automated written feedback research
In recent years, automated written feedback (AWF) has gained popularity in language
learning and teaching as a form of artificial intelligence (AI). The present study aimed at …
learning and teaching as a form of artificial intelligence (AI). The present study aimed at …
AI-generated feedback on writing: Insights into efficacy and ENL student preference
The question of how generative AI tools, such as large language models and chatbots, can
be leveraged ethically and effectively in education is ongoing. Given the critical role that …
be leveraged ethically and effectively in education is ongoing. Given the critical role that …
Not quite eye to AI: Student and teacher perspectives on the use of generative artificial intelligence in the writing process
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) can be used to author academic texts at a similar
level to what humans are capable of, causing concern about its misuse in education …
level to what humans are capable of, causing concern about its misuse in education …
Exploring students' generative AI-assisted writing processes: Perceptions and experiences from native and nonnative English speakers
C Wang - Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 2024 - Springer
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) can create sophisticated textual and multimodal content
readily available to students. Writing intensive courses and disciplines that use writing as a …
readily available to students. Writing intensive courses and disciplines that use writing as a …
Learner interaction with, and response to, AI-programmed automated writing evaluation feedback in EFL writing: An exploratory study
H Yang, C Gao, H Shen - Education and Information Technologies, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Recently, artificial intelligence (AI)-programmed automated writing evaluation
(AWE) has attracted increasing attention in language research. Using a small data set …
(AWE) has attracted increasing attention in language research. Using a small data set …
ChatGPT's capabilities in spotting and analyzing writing errors experienced by EFL learners
J Al-Garaady, M Mahyoob - Arab World English Journals, Special …, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
Abstract The recent Large Language Models (LLMs) use advanced algorithms to identify
areas where sentence structure and word choice can be improved and to detect grammar …
areas where sentence structure and word choice can be improved and to detect grammar …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring EAP students' perceptions of GenAI and traditional grammar-checking tools for language learning
L Kohnke - Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2024 - Elsevier
The rapid development of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools (eg ChatGPT) has
elicited mixed reactions among English language instructors and learners. This study …
elicited mixed reactions among English language instructors and learners. This study …
Trends in automated writing evaluation systems research for teaching, learning, and assessment: A bibliometric analysis
JS Barrot - Education and Information Technologies, 2024 - Springer
This bibliometric analysis attempts to map out the scientific literature on automated writing
evaluation (AWE) systems for teaching, learning, and assessment. A total of 170 documents …
evaluation (AWE) systems for teaching, learning, and assessment. A total of 170 documents …
The rise of artificial intelligence in educational measurement: Opportunities and ethical challenges
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in educational measurement has revolutionized
assessment methods, enabling automated scoring, rapid content analysis, and personalized …
assessment methods, enabling automated scoring, rapid content analysis, and personalized …