Contemporary social movements in a hybrid media environment

N Caren, KT Andrews, T Lu - Annual Review of Sociology, 2020 -
Media are central to the dynamics of protest and social movements. Contemporary social
movements face a shifting environment composed of new media technologies and platforms …

Media ecologies and protest movements: main perspectives and key lessons

E Treré, A Mattoni - Information, Communication & Society, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Studies adopting the media ecology metaphor to investigate social movements form a
promising strand of literature that has emerged in the last years to overcome the …

[CARTE][B] Hybrid media activism: Ecologies, imaginaries, algorithms

E Treré - 2018 -
This book is an extensive investigation of the complexities, ambiguities and shortcomings of
contemporary digital activism. The author deconstructs the reductionism of the literature on …

Communicative affordances of mobile media: Portability, availability, locatability, and multimediality

AR Schrock - International journal of communication, 2015 -
Mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets have been rapidly adopted
worldwide. Mobile media are now the primary online connection for most individuals …

Memes and symbolic violence:# proudboys and the use of memes for propaganda and the construction of collective identity

JR DeCook - Learning, Media and Technology, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
As a social media platform, Instagram has a strong influence on youth culture, identity, and
perceptions of the world, with the application serving not only for youth to follow accounts …

The logic of connective action: Digital media and the personalization of contentious politics

WL Bennett, A Segerberg - Information, communication & society, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
From the Arab Spring and los indignados in Spain, to Occupy Wall Street (and beyond),
large-scale, sustained protests are using digital media in ways that go beyond sending and …

How do museums foster loyalty in tech-savvy visitors? The role of social media and digital experience

L Zollo, R Rialti, A Marrucci, C Ciappei - Current Issues in Tourism, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The recent debate about the digitalization of museums and new technologies has become
increasingly important among tourism scholars. Digital innovation and virtual environments …

I do not believe you: How providing a source corrects health misperceptions across social media platforms

EK Vraga, L Bode - Information, Communication & Society, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Social media are often criticized as serving as a source of misinformation, but in this study
we examine how they may also function to correct misperceptions on an emerging health …

Using Twitter to mobilize protest action: online mobilization patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, and Aganaktismenoi movements

Y Theocharis, W Lowe, JW Van Deth… - Information …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The extensive use of social media for protest purposes was a distinctive feature of the recent
protest events in Spain, Greece, and the United States. Like the Occupy Wall Street …

[CARTE][B] Digital citizenship and political engagement

A Vromen, A Vromen - 2017 - Springer
The framing question for this chapter is: How have both the new participatory turn and
individualisation changed, and how do organisations and movements mobilise participants …