The discrete analogue of the Weibull G family: properties, different applications, Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation methods

M Ibrahim, MM Ali, HM Yousof - Annals of Data Science, 2021 - Springer
In this work, we propose and study a new discrete analogue of the Weibull class. Many
useful properties such as ordinary moments; moment generating function; cumulant …

A novel G family for single acceptance sampling plan with application in quality and risk decisions

B Ahmed, MM Ali, HM Yousof - Annals of Data Science, 2024 - Springer
In this paper we present a new G family of probability distributions. Some of its mathematical
properties are derived. Based on a special member of the new family, a single acceptance …

A new compound lomax model: properties, copulas, modeling and risk analysis utilizing the negatively skewed insurance claims data

MS Hamed, GM Cordeiro, HM Yousof - Pakistan Journal of Statistics and …, 2022 -
Analyzing the future values of anticipated claims is essential in order for insurance
companies to avoid major losses caused by prospective future claims. This study proposes a …

A generalization of lomax distribution with properties, copula and real data applications

H Elgohari, H Yousof - Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation …, 2020 -
A new generalization of Lomax distribution is derived and studied. Some of its useful
properties are derived. A simple clayton copula is used to generate many bivariate and …

The Lindley Gompertz model for estimating the survival rates: properties and applications in insurance

HS Mohamed, MM Ali, HM Yousof - Annals of Data Science, 2023 - Springer
This paper introduces a new extension of the Gompertz function for estimating the survival
rates. The actual survival rates from USA life tables 2015 is considered for assessment …

[PDF][PDF] A new exponentiated Weibull distribution's extension: copula, mathematical properties and applications

MM Mansour, NS Butt, SI Ansari… - Contributions to …, 2020 -
We introduce a new continuous distribution based on the zero truncated Poisson model
which accommodates many important failure rate shapes. Some of its mathematical …

A novel two-parameter Nadarajah-Haghighi extension: properties, copulas, modeling real data and different estimation methods

W Shehata, H Yousof - Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 2022 -
A new two-parameter lifetime distribution is proposed and numerically studied. The new
model has a flflexible failure rate shapes such as “monotonically increasing”,“monotonically …

A novel generator of continuous probability distributions for the asymmetric left-skewed bimodal real-life data with properties and copulas

WAM Shehata, H Yousof, M Aboraya - Pakistan Journal of Statistics and …, 2021 -
This paper presents a novel two-parameter G family of distributions. Relevant statistical
properties such as the ordinary moments, incomplete moments and moment generating …

A novel model for finance and reliability applications: theory, practices and financial peaks over a random threshold value-at-risk analysis

A Aljadani, MM Mansour, HM Yousof - Pakistan Journal of Statistics and …, 2024 -
In this paper, the authors introduce a new three-parameter lifetime probability distribution
known as the Marshall-Olkin-generated log-logistic (LL) distribution. They thoroughly …

A New pareto model: risk application, reliability MOOP and PORT value-at-risk analysis

HM Yousof, A Aljadani, MM Mansour… - Pakistan Journal of …, 2024 -
The paper introduces a new reliability Burr Pareto type-II model, showcasing its versatility
and effectiveness in engineering applications, particularly in analyzing the failure and …