Topological bands for ultracold atoms
There have been significant recent advances in realizing band structures with geometrical
and topological features in experiments on cold atomic gases. This review summarizes …
and topological features in experiments on cold atomic gases. This review summarizes …
Topological quantum matter with ultracold gases in optical lattices
Since the discovery of topological insulators, many topological phases have been predicted
and realized in a range of different systems, providing both fascinating physics and exciting …
and realized in a range of different systems, providing both fascinating physics and exciting …
Realization of a fractional quantum Hall state with ultracold atoms
Strongly interacting topological matter exhibits fundamentally new phenomena with potential
applications in quantum information technology,. Emblematic instances are fractional …
applications in quantum information technology,. Emblematic instances are fractional …
Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective
Atomtronics deals with matter-wave circuits of ultracold atoms manipulated through
magnetic or laser-generated guides with different shapes and intensities. In this way, new …
magnetic or laser-generated guides with different shapes and intensities. In this way, new …
Topological quantum matter with cold atoms
This is an introductory review of the physics of topological quantum matter with cold atoms.
Topological quantum phases, originally discovered and investigated in condensed matter …
Topological quantum phases, originally discovered and investigated in condensed matter …
Realization of density-dependent Peierls phases to engineer quantized gauge fields coupled to ultracold matter
Gauge fields that appear in models of high-energy and condensed-matter physics are
dynamical quantum degrees of freedom due to their coupling to matter fields. Since the …
dynamical quantum degrees of freedom due to their coupling to matter fields. Since the …
Realization of the Hofstadter Hamiltonian with ultracold atoms in optical lattices
We demonstrate the experimental implementation of an optical lattice that allows for the
generation of large homogeneous and tunable artificial magnetic fields with ultracold atoms …
generation of large homogeneous and tunable artificial magnetic fields with ultracold atoms …
Imaging topological edge states in silicon photonics
Topological features—global properties not discernible locally—emerge in systems ranging
from liquid crystals to magnets to fractional quantum Hall systems. A deeper understanding …
from liquid crystals to magnets to fractional quantum Hall systems. A deeper understanding …
Light-induced gauge fields for ultracold atoms
Gauge fields are central in our modern understanding of physics at all scales. At the highest
energy scales known, the microscopic universe is governed by particles interacting with …
energy scales known, the microscopic universe is governed by particles interacting with …
Quantum simulations with ultracold quantum gases
Ultracold quantum gases offer a unique setting for quantum simulation of interacting many-
body systems. The high degree of controllability, the novel detection possibilities and the …
body systems. The high degree of controllability, the novel detection possibilities and the …