[HTML][HTML] Reducing carbon footprint of agriculture—can organic farming help to mitigate climate change?

M Holka, J Kowalska, M Jakubowska - Agriculture, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
In the face of a changing climate, intensive efforts are needed for limiting the global
temperature increase to 1.5° C. Agricultural production has the potential to play an important …

[HTML][HTML] Comparison of organic and conventional crop** systems: A systematic review of life cycle assessment studies

M Boschiero, V De Laurentiis, C Caldeira… - Environmental Impact …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Current agricultural practices are increasingly considered to be unsustainable, causing
serious threats to the environment. To meet international and European sustainability goals …

Organic agriculture, food security, and the environment

EM Meemken, M Qaim - Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2018‏ - annualreviews.org
Organic agriculture is often perceived as more sustainable than conventional farming. We
review the literature on this topic from a global perspective. In terms of environmental and …

Agroecology for adaptation to climate change and resource depletion in the Mediterranean region. A review

E Aguilera, C Díaz-Gaona, R García-Laureano… - Agricultural …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Mediterranean agriculture has coevolved with harsh environments and changing climate
conditions over millennia, generating an extremely rich heritage of traditional knowledge; …

The greenhouse gas impacts of converting food production in England and Wales to organic methods

LG Smith, GJD Kirk, PJ Jones, AG Williams - Nature communications, 2019‏ - nature.com
Agriculture is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and must
feature in efforts to reduce emissions. Organic farming might contribute to this through …

Organic vs conventional plant-based foods: A review

F Giampieri, L Mazzoni, D Cianciosi… - Food Chemistry, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Organic farming is characterized by the prohibition of the use of chemical synthetic fertilizers,
pesticides, feed additives and genetically modified organisms and by the application of …

[HTML][HTML] IoT-solar energy powered smart farm irrigation system

AR Al-Ali, A Al Nabulsi, S Mukhopadhyay… - Journal of Electronic …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
As the Internet of things (IoT) technology is evolving, distributed solar energy resources can
be operated, monitored, and controlled remotely. The design of an IoT based solar energy …

Environmental impact of organic agriculture

K Lorenz, R Lal - Advances in agronomy, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Organic agriculture (OA) is practiced on 1% of the global agricultural land area and its
importance continues to grow. Specifically, OA is perceived by many as having less negative …

[HTML][HTML] Impact of organic farming on soil health and nutritional quality of crops

M Rani, P Kaushik, S Bhayana, S Kapoor - Journal of the Saudi Society of …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Agriculture is a primary sector which plays an important role in the global economy. Global
value added (GVA) generated by agriculture and its allied activities like fisheries and forestry …

[HTML][HTML] Global principles in local traditional knowledge: A review of forage plant-livestock-herder interactions

A Sharifian, B Gantuya, HT Wario, MA Kotowski… - Journal of …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
An understanding of traditional ecological knowledge systems is increasingly acknowledged
as a means of hel** to develop global, regional and national, but locally relevant policies …