The metabolic syndrome, a human disease
This review focuses on the question of metabolic syndrome (MS) being a complex, but
essentially monophyletic, galaxy of associated diseases/disorders, or just a syndrome of …
essentially monophyletic, galaxy of associated diseases/disorders, or just a syndrome of …
[HTML][HTML] Browning of white adipose tissue: lessons from experimental models
Beige or brite (brown-in-white) adipocytes are present in white adipose tissue (WAT) and
have a white fat-like phenotype that when stimulated acquires a brown fat-like phenotype …
have a white fat-like phenotype that when stimulated acquires a brown fat-like phenotype …
The role of skeletal‐muscle‐based thermogenic mechanisms in vertebrate endothermy
Thermogenesis is one of the most important homeostatic mechanisms that evolved during
vertebrate evolution. Despite its importance for the survival of the organism, the mechanistic …
vertebrate evolution. Despite its importance for the survival of the organism, the mechanistic …
Ryanodine receptor fragmentation and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ leak after one session of high-intensity interval exercise
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a time-efficient way of improving physical
performance in healthy subjects and in patients with common chronic diseases, but less so …
performance in healthy subjects and in patients with common chronic diseases, but less so …
Excitation‐transcription coupling in skeletal muscle: the molecular pathways of exercise
Muscle fibres have different properties with respect to force, contraction speed, endurance,
oxidative/glycolytic capacity etc. Although adult muscle fibres are normally post‐mitotic with …
oxidative/glycolytic capacity etc. Although adult muscle fibres are normally post‐mitotic with …
Molecular basis for exercise-induced fatigue: the importance of strictly controlled cellular Ca2+ handling
The contractile function of skeletal muscle declines during intense or prolonged physical
exercise, that is, fatigue develops. Skeletal muscle fibers fatigue acutely during highly …
exercise, that is, fatigue develops. Skeletal muscle fibers fatigue acutely during highly …
Both brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle thermogenesis processes are activated during mild to severe cold adaptation in mice
Thermogenesis is an important homeostatic mechanism essential for survival and normal
physiological functions in mammals. Both brown adipose tissue (BAT)(ie uncoupling protein …
physiological functions in mammals. Both brown adipose tissue (BAT)(ie uncoupling protein …
Sarcolipin: a key thermogenic and metabolic regulator in skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle constitutes∼ 40% of body mass and has the capacity to play a major role as
thermogenic, metabolic, and endocrine organ. In addition to shivering, muscle also …
thermogenic, metabolic, and endocrine organ. In addition to shivering, muscle also …
Minding the calcium store: Ryanodine receptor activation as a convergent mechanism of PCB toxicity
Chronic low-level polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposures remain a significant public
health concern since results from epidemiological studies indicate that PCB burden is …
health concern since results from epidemiological studies indicate that PCB burden is …
Uncoupling of sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase pump activity by sarcolipin as the basis for muscle non-shivering thermogenesis
Thermogenesis in endotherms relies on both shivering and non-shivering thermogenesis
(NST). The role of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in NST is well recognized, but the role of …
(NST). The role of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in NST is well recognized, but the role of …