A review of the impact of wastewater on the fate of pesticides in soils: Effect of some soil and solution properties
A Peña, L Delgado-Moreno… - Science of the Total …, 2020 - Elsevier
Reuse of wastewater (WW) as an agricultural irrigation source is being considered with
increasing interest, mainly in arid and semiarid zones. However, due to the complex nature …
increasing interest, mainly in arid and semiarid zones. However, due to the complex nature …
Functional graphene oxide for organic pollutants removal from wastewater: a mini review
Q Kong, H Zhang, Y Lan, X Shi, Z Fang… - Environmental …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Graphene oxide (GO), an important derivative of graphene, with a variety of active oxygen-
containing groups (hydroxyl, carboxyl and epoxy) on its surface is easy to be functionalized …
containing groups (hydroxyl, carboxyl and epoxy) on its surface is easy to be functionalized …
A new on-line SPE LC-HRMS method for simultaneous analysis of selected emerging contaminants in surface waters
In recent years emerging contaminants (ECs) have received significant attention due to their
widespread detection in surface waters and concerns that these compounds can cause …
widespread detection in surface waters and concerns that these compounds can cause …
The complex effect of DOM on PFOA and PFOS transport: Considering the interference of solution ionic strength and cation type
Y **ng, Q Li, B Huang, X Chen, L Ji, X Fu… - Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
The transport behavior of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate
(PFOS) in porous media controls their final environmental fate and risk. Current work used …
(PFOS) in porous media controls their final environmental fate and risk. Current work used …
The quality of soil organic matter, accessed by 13C solid state nuclear magnetic resonance, is just as important as its content concerning pesticide sorption
The global increase of food production has been achieved mainly through the intensive use
of inputs such as pesticides. Once released to the soil, sorption (which could be represented …
of inputs such as pesticides. Once released to the soil, sorption (which could be represented …
Pesticide mass budget in a stormwater wetland
E Maillard, G Imfeld - Environmental science & technology, 2014 - ACS Publications
Wetlands are reactive landscape zones that provide ecosystem services, including the
improvement of water quality. Field studies distinguishing pesticide degradation from …
improvement of water quality. Field studies distinguishing pesticide degradation from …
Impact of low molecular weight organic acids and dissolved organic matter on sorption and mobility of isoproturon in two soils
Q Ding, HL Wu, Y Xu, LJ Guo, K Liu, HM Gao… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2011 - Elsevier
Isoproturon is a selective herbicide belonging to the phenylurea family and widely used for
pre-and post-emergence control of annual weeds. Soil amendments (eg organic …
pre-and post-emergence control of annual weeds. Soil amendments (eg organic …
Determination of contaminants of emerging concern and their transformation products in treated-wastewater irrigated soil and corn
KA Murrell, PD Teehan, FL Dorman - Chemosphere, 2021 - Elsevier
In many parts of the world, clean water has become increasingly scarce. Irrigation of
agricultural land with treated wastewater is commonly used in response to water shortages …
agricultural land with treated wastewater is commonly used in response to water shortages …
Thiacloprid adsorption and leaching in soil: Effect of the composition of irrigation solutions
JA Rodríguez-Liébana, MD Mingorance… - Science of the Total …, 2018 - Elsevier
Pressure on groundwater resources has increased during the last decades due to the
growing demand, especially in arid and semiarid regions, such as the Mediterranean basin …
growing demand, especially in arid and semiarid regions, such as the Mediterranean basin …
New insight into pesticide partition coefficient Kd for modelling pesticide fluvial transport: Application to an agricultural catchment in south-western France
Pesticides applied on crops are leached with rainfall to groundwater and surface water.
They threat the aquatic environment and may render water unfit for human consumption …
They threat the aquatic environment and may render water unfit for human consumption …