Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape
Wildlife must adapt to human presence to survive in the Anthropocene, so it is critical to
understand species responses to humans in different contexts. We used camera trap** as …
understand species responses to humans in different contexts. We used camera trap** as …
Mitigating human–wildlife conflict and monitoring endangered tigers using a real-time camera-based alert system
The recovery of wild tigers in India and Nepal is a remarkable conservation achievement,
but it sets the stage for increased human–wildlife conflict where parks are limited in size and …
but it sets the stage for increased human–wildlife conflict where parks are limited in size and …
Maximum temperatures determine the habitat affiliations of North American mammals
Addressing the ongoing biodiversity crisis requires identifying the winners and losers of
global change. Species are often categorized based on how they respond to habitat loss; for …
global change. Species are often categorized based on how they respond to habitat loss; for …
Guidelines for estimating occupancy from autocorrelated camera trap detections
Site occupancy models (SOMs) are a common tool for studying the spatial ecology of
wildlife. When observational data are collected using passive monitoring field methods …
wildlife. When observational data are collected using passive monitoring field methods …
The underappreciated roles of aboveground vertebrates on belowground communities
In recent decades, evidence of interactions between aboveground and belowground (ie,
soil) subsystems has accumulated. The effects of aboveground vertebrates on belowground …
soil) subsystems has accumulated. The effects of aboveground vertebrates on belowground …
Large‐scale mammal monitoring: The potential of a citizen science camera‐trap** project in the United Kingdom
In light of global biodiversity loss, there is an increasing need for large‐scale wildlife
monitoring. This is difficult for mammals, since they can be elusive and nocturnal. In the …
monitoring. This is difficult for mammals, since they can be elusive and nocturnal. In the …
Biological invasions disrupt activity patterns of native wildlife: An example from wild pigs
Activity patterns are an important behavioral trait linked to animal interactions within food
webs. Biological invasions can have impacts on the behavior of native species through …
webs. Biological invasions can have impacts on the behavior of native species through …
Towards an automated protocol for wildlife density estimation using camera‐traps
Camera‐traps are valuable tools for estimating wildlife population density, and recently
developed models enable density estimation without the need for individual recognition …
developed models enable density estimation without the need for individual recognition …
When the wild things are: Defining mammalian diel activity and plasticity
Circadian rhythms are a mechanism by which species adapt to environmental variability and
fundamental to understanding species behavior. However, we lack data and a standardized …
fundamental to understanding species behavior. However, we lack data and a standardized …
Climate, food and humans predict communities of mammals in the United States
Aim The assembly of species into communities and ecoregions is the result of interacting
factors that affect plant and animal distribution and abundance at biogeographic scales …
factors that affect plant and animal distribution and abundance at biogeographic scales …