Analyzing spatio-temporal variability of aquatic productive components in Northern Bay of Bengal using advanced machine learning models
This study documents a novel method for tracking spatio-temporal variability of productivity-
related elements, including particulate organic carbon (POC), particular inorganic carbon …
related elements, including particulate organic carbon (POC), particular inorganic carbon …
[HTML][HTML] Whispers in the mangroves: Unveiling the silent impact of potential toxic metals (PTMs) on Indian Sundarbans fungi
This study investigates sediment samples from the Indian Sundarbans' mangrove habitat,
where most samples were alkaline and hypersaline, except for one acidic sample …
where most samples were alkaline and hypersaline, except for one acidic sample …
Heavy metals in fishes, water and macrophyte of the Ganga River and risk related to their consumption
The study was conducted along the Ganga River and aimed to assess the contamination
levels of six heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Cr, and Zn) in fishes, water, and macrophyte …
levels of six heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Cr, and Zn) in fishes, water, and macrophyte …
Threats to the Blue Carbon Ecosystems Adjoining the Indian Ocean
A Chanda - Blue Carbon Dynamics of the Indian Ocean: The …, 2022 - Springer
The scientific community and the common mass have unequivocally realized the
significance of blue carbon habitats in mitigating climate change and providing livelihood …
significance of blue carbon habitats in mitigating climate change and providing livelihood …
Blue Carbon Dynamics of the Indian Ocean
In the name of development and modernization, human beings have unearthed several
compounds and elements from the earth's crust, degraded the natural landscape largely …
compounds and elements from the earth's crust, degraded the natural landscape largely …