Distributed scheduling: a review of concepts and applications

A Toptal, I Sabuncuoglu - International Journal of Production …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Distributed scheduling (DS) is an approach that enables local decision makers to create
schedules that consider local objectives and constraints within the boundaries of the overall …

A hybrid genetic algorithm and tabu search for a multi-objective dynamic job shop scheduling problem

L Zhang, L Gao, X Li - International Journal of Production Research, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
In most real manufacturing environments, schedules are usually inevitable with the
presence of various unexpected disruptions. In this paper, a rescheduling method based on …

Decentralised collaborative job reassignments in additive manufacturing

D Zehetner, M Gansterer - International Journal of Production …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) is a promising approach that leverages the sharing
economy to reduce costs and enhance supply chain flexibility. Particularly, when utilised …

Solving comprehensive dynamic job shop scheduling problem by using a GRASP-based approach

A Baykasoğlu, FS Karaslan - International Journal of Production …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
There are many dynamic events like new order arrivals, machine breakdowns, changes in
due dates, order cancellations, arrival of urgent orders etc. that makes static scheduling …

Agent-based fuzzy constraint-directed negotiation mechanism for distributed job shop scheduling

CY Hsu, BR Kao, KR Lai - Engineering Applications of Artificial …, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper presents an agent-based fuzzy constraint-directed negotiation (AFCN)
mechanism to solve distributed job shop scheduling problems (JSSPs). The scheduling …

Multi-agent-based proactive–reactive scheduling for a job shop

P Lou, Q Liu, Z Zhou, H Wang, SX Sun - The International Journal of …, 2012 - Springer
Multi-agent-based proactive–reactive scheduling for job shops is presented, aiming to
hedge against the uncertainties of dynamic manufacturing environments. This scheduling …

An iterative combinatorial auction mechanism for multi-agent parallel machine scheduling

Y Liu, S Sun, XV Wang, L Wang - International Journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper focuses on the multi-agent parallel machines scheduling problem with consumer
agents and resource agents. Within the context, all the agents are self-interested aiming at …

[HTML][HTML] An Auction-Based Approach for Multi-Agent Uniform Parallel Machine Scheduling with Dynamic Jobs Arrival

Y Liu, S Sun, G Shen, XV Wang, M Wiktorsson, L Wang - Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper addresses a multi-agent scheduling problem with uniform parallel machines
owned by a resource agent and competing jobs with dynamic arrival times that belong to …

Multiagent manufacturing scheduling: An updated state of the art review

A Fazlirad, RW Brennan - 2018 IEEE 14th International …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper is an updated review of the state of the art in distributed multiagent based
scheduling as one element of intelligent manufacturing. It re-examines the most relevant …

Auction-based approach to resolve the scheduling problem in the steel making process

V Kumar, S Kumar, MK Tiwari… - International journal of …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Steel production is an extremely complex process and determining coherent schedules for
the wide variety of production steps in a dynamic environment, where disturbances …