Satellite remote sensing of global land surface temperature: Definition, methods, products, and applications
Land surface temperature (LST) is a crucial parameter that reflects land–atmosphere
interaction and has thus attracted wide interest from geoscientists. Owing to the rapid …
interaction and has thus attracted wide interest from geoscientists. Owing to the rapid …
[HTML][HTML] Solar zenith angle-based calibration of Himawari-8 land surface temperature for correcting diurnal retrieval error characteristics
The geostationary Himawari-8 satellite offers a unique opportunity to monitor sub-daily
thermal dynamics over Asia and Oceania, and several operational land surface temperature …
thermal dynamics over Asia and Oceania, and several operational land surface temperature …
Understanding temperature variations in mountainous regions: The relationship between satellite-derived land surface temperature and in situ near-surface air …
Mountain systems significantly influence both regional and global climates, and are vital for
biodiversity, water resources, and economic activities. Many mountainous regions are …
biodiversity, water resources, and economic activities. Many mountainous regions are …
Tropical surface temperature response to vegetation cover changes and the role of drylands
Vegetation cover creates competing effects on land surface temperature: it typically cools
through enhancing energy dissipation and warms via decreasing surface albedo. Global …
through enhancing energy dissipation and warms via decreasing surface albedo. Global …
Continental-scale evaluation of three ECOSTRESS land surface temperature products over Europe and Africa: Temperature-based validation and cross-satellite …
High spatial resolution land surface temperature (LST,< 100 m) is crucial for agricultural
water management, crop water stress monitoring, fire map**, urban heat island study and …
water management, crop water stress monitoring, fire map**, urban heat island study and …
A combined vegetation cover and temperature-emissivity separation (V-TES) method to estimate land surface emissivity
Land surface emissivity (LSE) is a critical variable in the quantification of the surface energy
budget and for the estimation of surface parameters from earth observation data, in …
budget and for the estimation of surface parameters from earth observation data, in …
[HTML][HTML] On the Suitability of Different Satellite Land Surface Temperature Products to Study Surface Urban Heat Islands
Remote sensing satellite data have been a crucial tool in understanding urban climates. The
variety of sensors with different spatiotemporal characteristics and retrieval methodologies …
variety of sensors with different spatiotemporal characteristics and retrieval methodologies …
Correction for LST directionality impact on the estimation of surface upwelling longwave radiation over vegetated surfaces at the satellite scale
Surface upwelling longwave radiation (SULR) is a major component of the Earth's radiation
budget and directly influences the retrieval of evapotranspiration (ET) in the terrestrial …
budget and directly influences the retrieval of evapotranspiration (ET) in the terrestrial …
Land surface temperature retrieval from SDGSAT-1 thermal infrared spectrometer images: Algorithm and validation
Launched by China in 2021, the Sustainable Development Goals Science Satellite 1
(SDGSAT-1) is the world's first science satellite dedicated to serving the United Nations …
(SDGSAT-1) is the world's first science satellite dedicated to serving the United Nations …
[HTML][HTML] Monitoring heat extremes across central Europe using land surface temperature data records from SEVIRI/MSG
The frequency and intensity of extreme hot events have increased worldwide, particularly
over the past couple of decades. Europe has been affected by unprecedented mega …
over the past couple of decades. Europe has been affected by unprecedented mega …