Use of alternative techniques and grafts in urethroplasty

BM Browne, AJ Vanni - Urologic Clinics, 2017 -
The repair of urethral stricture is approached with multiple different techniques, ranging from
endoscopic incision to graft placement for open reconstruction, in an attempt to open and …

Urethral reconstruction with autologous urine-derived stem cells seeded in three-dimensional porous small intestinal submucosa in a rabbit model

Y Liu, W Ma, B Liu, Y Wang, J Chu, G **ong… - Stem cell research & …, 2017 - Springer
Background Urethral reconstruction is one of the great surgical challenges for urologists. A
cell-based tissue-engineered urethra may be an alternative for patients who have …

[HTML][HTML] Lingual mucosal graft urethroplasty 12 years later: Systematic review and meta-analysis

A Abrate, A Gregori, A Simonato - Asian Journal of Urology, 2019 - Elsevier
Objective To evaluate the functional results and complications of the lingual mucosal graft
(LMG) urethroplasty and to sum up the current state of the art of this surgical technique …

Minimizing antibiotic use in urethral reconstruction

S Kim, KC Cheng, NF Alsikafi, BN Breyer… - The Journal of …, 2022 -
Purpose: There are no established guidelines regarding management of antibiotics for
patients specifically undergoing urethral reconstruction. Our aim was to minimize antibiotic …

Antibiotic stewardship and postoperative infections in urethroplasties

S Kim, KC Cheng, S Patell, NF Alsikafi, BN Breyer… - Urology, 2021 - Elsevier
Objective To determine surgical site infection and urinary tract infection (UTI) rates in the
setting of urethroplasty. Given significant variation in the utilization of antibiotics, there is an …

Intermediate-term outcomes and complications of long segment urethroplasty with lingual mucosa grafts

YM Xu, C Li, H **e, YL Sa, Q Fu, DL Wu… - Journal of …, 2017 -
Purpose: We evaluated outcomes and donor site complications in male patients with
complex urethral strictures who underwent urethroplasty using with long strip oral mucosal …

[HTML][HTML] Bulbar urethral stricture: How to optimise the use of buccal mucosal grafts

JN Warner, ES Wisenbaugh, FE Martins - Arab Journal of Urology, 2016 - Elsevier
The use of buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty (BMGU) for bulbar urethral strictures has
gained widespread popularity since the first report in 1996. Over the last two decades, there …

Comparison of lingual mucosa and buccal mucosa grafts used in inlay urethroplasty in failed hypospadias of pre-pubertal boys in a Chinese group

J Hongyong, C Shuzhu, W Min, Y Wei**g, L Yidong - Plos one, 2017 -
Objective The purpose of this study was to compare the outcomes of the buccal mucosa and
lingual mucosa used in children who received multiple failed hypospadias surgeries …

[HTML][HTML] 口腔黏膜及带蒂阴茎皮瓣用于前尿道狭窄患者尿道重建的疗效分析

许成, 宋奇翔, 朴曙光, 程欣, 王磊, 刘智勇 - 第二军医大学学报, 2021 -
目的探讨利用口腔黏膜(下唇黏膜, 舌黏膜), 带蒂阴茎皮瓣修复复杂前尿道狭窄的疗效及经验.
方法回顾性分析2012 年8 月至2018 年5 月我科收治的因各种原因引起的复杂性男性前尿道 …

Роль инфекционных осложнений в общей структуре осложнений при уретропластике, лечение и антибиотикопрофилактика: систематический обзор

ЮЛ Набока, ЕМ Котиева, ВМ Котиева, МИ Коган - Вестник урологии, 2023 -
Аннотация Введение. Уретропластика—урологическая операция, имеющая широкое
распространение в лечении стриктуры уретры. Однако при данном вмешательстве …