Spatial data quality in the Internet of Things: Management, exploitation, and prospects
With the continued deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT), increasing volumes of devices
are being deployed that emit massive spatially referenced data. Due in part to the dynamic …
are being deployed that emit massive spatially referenced data. Due in part to the dynamic …
Privacy-preserving aggregate mobility data release: An information-theoretic deep reinforcement learning approach
It is crucial to protect users' location traces against inference attacks on aggregate mobility
data collected from multiple users in various real-world applications. Most of the existing …
data collected from multiple users in various real-world applications. Most of the existing …
What does the crowd say about you? evaluating aggregation-based location privacy
A Pyrgelis, C Troncoso, E De Cristofaro - ar** analytical services and modeling human dynamics. Unfortunately …
Decreasing work-related movement during a pandemic. Location analytics and the implications of the digital divide
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the role of digital infrastructure in
supporting compliance with travel restrictions. The purpose of this study is to examine the …
supporting compliance with travel restrictions. The purpose of this study is to examine the …