Develo** a cyber security culture: Current practices and future needs
While the creation of a strong security culture has been researched and discussed for
decades, it continues to elude many businesses. Part of the challenge faced is distilling …
decades, it continues to elude many businesses. Part of the challenge faced is distilling …
Develo** an agile cybersecurity framework with organizational culture approach using Q methodology
Cyberattacks continue to pose significant threats and damages across a wide range of
sectors. The main problem that causes this lies in the misinterpretation of the implementation …
sectors. The main problem that causes this lies in the misinterpretation of the implementation …
Cybersecurity management–current state and directions of change
The objective of this paper is to analyse the threats arising from the rapid development of
information and communication technologies (ICTs) without which contemporary information …
information and communication technologies (ICTs) without which contemporary information …
Determinants of cyberattack prevention in UAE financial organizations: assessing the mediating role of cybersecurity leadership
Cyberattack prevention factors have a significant impact on the perception of social and
moral values in the business context. Despite leaders' significant role in encouraging and …
moral values in the business context. Despite leaders' significant role in encouraging and …
The impact of organizational structure and technology use on collaborative practices in computer emergency response teams: An empirical study
Besides the merits of increasing digitization and interconnectedness in private and
professional spaces, critical infrastructures and societies are more and more exposed to …
professional spaces, critical infrastructures and societies are more and more exposed to …
Systematic review of factors that influence the cybersecurity culture
There is a need to shift from a purely technological approach in addressing cybersecurity
threats to a more human inclusive method. As a result, cybersecurity culture is gaining …
threats to a more human inclusive method. As a result, cybersecurity culture is gaining …
A collaborative cybersecurity framework for higher education
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present the educational computer emergency
response team (EduCERT) framework, an integrated response mechanism to bolster …
response team (EduCERT) framework, an integrated response mechanism to bolster …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring the effectiveness of cybersecurity training programs: factors, best practices, and future directions
Cybersecurity education is essential in equip** individuals with the proper knowledge and
skill sets to protect devices, computers, networks and data from cybersecurity risk. This …
skill sets to protect devices, computers, networks and data from cybersecurity risk. This …
Knowledge Management Strategy for Handling Cyber Attacks in E-Commerce with Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) was created to help expand the market share network
through the internet without the boundaries of space and time. However, behind all the …
through the internet without the boundaries of space and time. However, behind all the …
Enhancing cyber security resilience in the industrial sector: A comprehensive framework for third-party risk management
The objective of this study is to address the increasing cyberthreats in the industrial sector,
particularly those originating from third-party links. The study aims to develop a …
particularly those originating from third-party links. The study aims to develop a …