Scholarly knowledge graphs through structuring scholarly communication: a review

S Verma, R Bhatia, S Harit, S Batish - Complex & intelligent systems, 2023 - Springer
The necessity for scholarly knowledge mining and management has grown significantly as
academic literature and its linkages to authors produce enormously. Information extraction …

From detection to application: Recent advances in understanding scientific tables and figures

J Huang, H Chen, F Yu, W Lu - ACM Computing Surveys, 2024 -
Tables and figures are usually used to present information in a structured and visual way in
scientific documents. Understanding the tables and figures in scientific documents is …

Improving access to scientific literature with knowledge graphs

S Auer, A Oelen, M Haris, M Stocker… - … Forschung und Praxis, 2020 -
The transfer of knowledge has not changed fundamentally for many hundreds of years: It is
usually document-based-formerly printed on paper as a classic essay and nowadays as …

Towards self-organizing personal knowledge assistants in evolving corporate memories

C Jilek, M Schröder, H Maus, S Schwarz… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 -
This paper presents a retrospective overview of a decade of research in our department
towards self-organizing personal knowledge assistants in evolving corporate memories. Our …

SciND: a new triplet-based dataset for scientific novelty detection via knowledge graphs

K Gupta, A Ahmad, T Ghosal, A Ekbal - International Journal on Digital …, 2024 - Springer
Detecting texts that contain semantic-level new information is not straightforward. The
problem becomes more challenging for research articles. Over the years, many datasets and …

Leveraging a federation of knowledge graphs to improve faceted search in digital libraries

G Heidari, A Ramadan, M Stocker, S Auer - International Conference on …, 2021 - Springer
Scientists always look for the most accurate and relevant answers to their queries in the
literature. Traditional scholarly digital libraries list documents in search results, and therefore …

From the application-centric to the knowledge-centric university: a design science proof-of-concept

RA Buchmann, R Dragos, AM Ghiran - 2021 -
The paper reports on early stages of a Design Science research project where a Knowledge
Graph strategy is adopted in order to increase the value of data being managed by a higher …

SmartReviews: Towards Human-and Machine-Actionable Representation of Review Articles

A Oelen, M Stocker, S Auer - International Conference on Asian Digital …, 2021 - Springer
Review articles are a means to structure state-of-the-art literature and to organize the
growing number of scholarly publications. However, review articles are suffering from …

Leveraging human-computer interaction and crowdsourcing for scholarly knowledge graph creation

A Oelen - 2022 -
The number of scholarly publications continues to grow each year, as well as the number of
journals and active researchers. Therefore, methods and tools to organize scholarly …

Exploring Naive Bayes Classifiers for Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching

B Foko, A Jiomekong, H Tapamo, J Buisson… - … Web Challenge on …, 2023 -
The present research investigates the use of Naive Bayes classifiers to match knowledge
graphs and tabular data, with particular emphasis on Column Type Annotation, Cell Entity …