[PDF][PDF] Nestmate recognition in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a review
SJ Sturgis, DM Gordon - Myrmecological news, 2012 - stanford.edu
Nestmate recognition is the process by which individuals discriminate between nestmates
and con-and hetero-specifics. Nestmate recognition is based on recognition cues, which …
and con-and hetero-specifics. Nestmate recognition is based on recognition cues, which …
Evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons in the Hymenoptera: a meta-analysis
R Kather, SJ Martin - Journal of chemical ecology, 2015 - Springer
Chemical communication is the oldest form of communication, spreading across all forms of
life. In insects, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) function as chemical cues for the recognition of …
life. In insects, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) function as chemical cues for the recognition of …
Nestmate recognition cues in the honey bee: differential importance of cuticular alkanes and alkenes
FR Dani, GR Jones, S Corsi, R Beard… - Chemical …, 2005 - academic.oup.com
In social insects, recognition of nestmates from aliens is based on olfactory cues, and many
studies have demonstrated that such cues are contained within the lipid layer covering the …
studies have demonstrated that such cues are contained within the lipid layer covering the …
Insect hydrocarbons: biochemistry and chemical ecology
Cuticular hydrocarbons of insects often consist of complex mixtures of straight chain,
unsaturated and methyl-branched components with 21 to 40+ carbons. They function to …
unsaturated and methyl-branched components with 21 to 40+ carbons. They function to …
Cuticular hydrocarbon composition in pupal exuviae for taxonomic differentiation of six necrophagous flies
G Ye, K Li, J Zhu, G Zhu, C Hu - Journal of Medical Entomology, 2007 - academic.oup.com
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to analyze the cuticular hydrocarbons
extracted from the pupal exuviae of six necrophagous flies: Aldrichina grahami (Aldrich) …
extracted from the pupal exuviae of six necrophagous flies: Aldrichina grahami (Aldrich) …
Male-derived cuticular hydrocarbons signal sperm competition intensity and affect ejaculate expenditure in crickets
Female sexual promiscuity can have significant effects on male mating decisions because it
increases the intensity of competition between ejaculates for fertilization. Because sperm …
increases the intensity of competition between ejaculates for fertilization. Because sperm …
Chemical deception/mimicry using cuticular hydrocarbons
Chemical deception/mimicry is one of the most amazing phenomena in the field of chemical
ecology. It involves a mimicry complex in which multiple living protagonists, ie, the model …
ecology. It involves a mimicry complex in which multiple living protagonists, ie, the model …
Low intraspecific aggression level, cuticular hydrocarbons, and polydomy in the bullet ant
Ants use chemical cues known as cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) for both intraspecific and
interspecific recognition. These compounds serve ants in distinguishing between nestmates …
interspecific recognition. These compounds serve ants in distinguishing between nestmates …
Cuticular hydrocarbons as cues of sex and health condition in Polistes dominula wasps
In the paper wasp Polistes dominula, cuticular hydrocarbons play a critical role to acquire
information regarding conspecific individuals. However, the relationship between cuticular …
information regarding conspecific individuals. However, the relationship between cuticular …
Queuing for dominance: gerontocracy and queue-jum** in the hover wasp Liostenogaster flavolineata
C Bridge, J Field - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2007 - Springer
The mechanisms through which dominance is inherited within social groups vary from direct
interactions such as fighting to non-confrontational conventions. Liostenogaster flavolineata …
interactions such as fighting to non-confrontational conventions. Liostenogaster flavolineata …