Review of GPM IMERG performance: A global perspective
Accurate, reliable, and high spatio-temporal resolution precipitation data are vital for many
applications, including the study of extreme events, hydrological modeling, water resource …
applications, including the study of extreme events, hydrological modeling, water resource …
Comprehensive evaluation of latest GPM era IMERG and GSMaP precipitation products over mainland China
Following the launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory, the
latest GPM era high-resolution satellite precipitation products (SPPs), namely Integrated …
latest GPM era high-resolution satellite precipitation products (SPPs), namely Integrated …
[HTML][HTML] Simulation of the potential impacts of projected climate and land use change on runoff under CMIP6 scenarios
Assessing the impacts of climate change and land use/land cover changes on water
resources within a catchment is essential because it helps us understand how these …
resources within a catchment is essential because it helps us understand how these …
Spatiotemporal analysis of precipitation variability in annual, seasonal and extreme values over upper Indus River basin
This paper investigates the annual and seasonal precipitation variability at 20 stations over
upper Indus River basin (UIRB) by using an innovative trend analysis (ITA) method, Mann …
upper Indus River basin (UIRB) by using an innovative trend analysis (ITA) method, Mann …
[HTML][HTML] An analysis of long-term rainfall trends and variability in the uttarakhand himalaya using google earth engine
This paper analyses the spatio-temporal trends and variability in annual, seasonal, and
monthly rainfall with corresponding rainy days in Bhilangana river basin, Uttarakhand …
monthly rainfall with corresponding rainy days in Bhilangana river basin, Uttarakhand …
Evaluation of GPM-IMERG and TRMM-3B42 precipitation products over Pakistan
Understanding the performance of remotely-sensed precipitation with rain gauge as
reference is essential before their application in estimating multiple processes. In current …
reference is essential before their application in estimating multiple processes. In current …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluating the meteorological drought characteristics over Pakistan using in situ observations and reanalysis products
Drought is one of the most frequent natural disasters occurring in Pakistan and has a great
influence on livelihood, agriculture, and economy. The availability of longterm high-quality …
influence on livelihood, agriculture, and economy. The availability of longterm high-quality …
Assessment of GPM IMERG and GSMaP daily precipitation products and their utility in droughts and floods monitoring across **jiang River Basin
P Weng, Y Tian, Y Jiang, D Chen, J Kang - Atmospheric Research, 2023 - Elsevier
The recent increasing concerns about floods and droughts have brought up a pressing need
for high-precision and high-resolution precipitation records. As representative satellite …
for high-precision and high-resolution precipitation records. As representative satellite …
[HTML][HTML] Applications of TRMM-and GPM-era multiple-satellite precipitation products for flood simulations at sub-daily scales in a sparsely gauged watershed in …
F Yuan, L Zhang, KMW Soe, L Ren, C Zhao, Y Zhu… - Remote Sensing, 2019 - mdpi.com
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and its successor, Global Precipitation
Measurement (GPM), have provided hydrologists with important precipitation data sources …
Measurement (GPM), have provided hydrologists with important precipitation data sources …
Performance evaluation and correction of precipitation data using the 20-year IMERG and TMPA precipitation products in diverse subregions of China
Abstract The latest Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement
(IMERG) dataset version 6, which is the successor of the multi-satellite 3B42 dataset from …
(IMERG) dataset version 6, which is the successor of the multi-satellite 3B42 dataset from …