Replicability, robustness, and reproducibility in psychological science
Replication—an important, uncommon, and misunderstood practice—is gaining
appreciation in psychology. Achieving replicability is important for making research …
appreciation in psychology. Achieving replicability is important for making research …
The replication crisis has led to positive structural, procedural, and community changes
The emergence of large-scale replication projects yielding successful rates substantially
lower than expected caused the behavioural, cognitive, and social sciences to experience a …
lower than expected caused the behavioural, cognitive, and social sciences to experience a …
Robust Bayesian meta‐analysis: Model‐averaging across complementary publication bias adjustment methods
Publication bias is a ubiquitous threat to the validity of meta‐analysis and the accumulation
of scientific evidence. In order to estimate and counteract the impact of publication bias …
of scientific evidence. In order to estimate and counteract the impact of publication bias …
Examining the replicability of online experiments selected by a decision market
Here we test the feasibility of using decision markets to select studies for replication and
provide evidence about the replicability of online experiments. Social scientists (n= 162) …
provide evidence about the replicability of online experiments. Social scientists (n= 162) …
Citation counts and journal impact factors do not capture some indicators of research quality in the behavioural and brain sciences
Citation data and journal impact factors are important components of faculty dossiers and
figure prominently in both promotion decisions and assessments of a researcher's broader …
figure prominently in both promotion decisions and assessments of a researcher's broader …
Theoretical strategies for an embodied cognitive neuroscience: Mechanistic explanations of brain-body-environment systems
Cognitive neuroscience seeks to explain mind, brain, and behavior. But how do we generate
explanations? In this integrative theoretical paper, we review the commitments of the 'New …
explanations? In this integrative theoretical paper, we review the commitments of the 'New …
A decade of replication study in education? A map** review (2011–2020)
Replication studies in education are relatively rare. Of the few which are conducted, many
are conceptual rather than direct replications. With so few replication studies, and many of …
are conceptual rather than direct replications. With so few replication studies, and many of …
From replication to substantiation: A complexity theory perspective
In contemporary methodological thinking, replication holds a central place. However,
relatively little attention has been paid to replication in the context of complex dynamic …
relatively little attention has been paid to replication in the context of complex dynamic …
Straight from the scientist's mouth—plain language summaries promote laypeople's comprehension and knowledge acquisition when reading about individual …
Easily comprehensible summaries of scholarly articles that are provided alongside
'ordinary'scientific abstracts, so-called plain language summaries, can be a powerful tool for …
'ordinary'scientific abstracts, so-called plain language summaries, can be a powerful tool for …
Eleven years of student replication projects provide evidence on the correlates of replicability in psychology
Cumulative scientific progress requires empirical results that are robust enough to support
theory construction and extension. Yet in psychology, some prominent findings have failed …
theory construction and extension. Yet in psychology, some prominent findings have failed …