[HTML][HTML] Climate change and human health in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East: Literature review, research priorities and policy suggestions
Human health is linked to climatic factors in complex ways, and climate change can have
profound direct and indirect impacts on the health status of any given region. Susceptibility …
profound direct and indirect impacts on the health status of any given region. Susceptibility …
Connections between air pollution, climate change, and cardiovascular health
Globally, more people die from cardiovascular disease than any other cause. Climate
change, through amplified environmental exposures, will promote and contribute to many …
change, through amplified environmental exposures, will promote and contribute to many …
A review on the human health impact of airborne particulate matter
Particulate matter (PM) is a key indicator of air pollution brought into the air by a variety of
natural and human activities. As it can be suspended over long time and travel over long …
natural and human activities. As it can be suspended over long time and travel over long …
Small islands
Current and future climate-related drivers of risk for small islands during the 21st century
include sea level rise (SLR), tropical and extratropical cyclones, increasing air and sea …
include sea level rise (SLR), tropical and extratropical cyclones, increasing air and sea …
Desert dust and human health disorders
AS Goudie - Environment international, 2014 - Elsevier
Dust storms may originate in many of the world's drylands and have an effect not only on
human health in the drylands themselves but also in downwind environments, including …
human health in the drylands themselves but also in downwind environments, including …
A comparison of the health effects of ambient particulate matter air pollution from five emission sources
NJ Hime, GB Marks, CT Cowie - International journal of environmental …, 2018 - mdpi.com
This article briefly reviews evidence of health effects associated with exposure to particulate
matter (PM) air pollution from five common outdoor emission sources: traffic, coal-fired …
matter (PM) air pollution from five common outdoor emission sources: traffic, coal-fired …
Particulate matter–induced health effects: who is susceptible?
Background Epidemiological, controlled human exposure, and toxicological studies have
demonstrated a variety of health effects in response to particulate matter (PM) exposure with …
demonstrated a variety of health effects in response to particulate matter (PM) exposure with …
Evidence on vulnerability and susceptibility to health risks associated with short-term exposure to particulate matter: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Although there is strong evidence that short-term exposure to particulate matter is
associated with health risks, less is known about whether some subpopulations face higher …
associated with health risks, less is known about whether some subpopulations face higher …
Impacts of climate change on the public health of the Mediterranean Basin population-current situation, projections, preparedness and adaptation
Abstract The Mediterranean Basin is undergoing a warming trend with longer and warmer
summers, an increase in the frequency and the severity of heat waves, changes in …
summers, an increase in the frequency and the severity of heat waves, changes in …
Climate change, extreme weather events, air pollution and respiratory health in Europe
Due to climate change and other factors, air pollution patterns are changing in several
urbanised areas of the world, with a significant effect on respiratory health both …
urbanised areas of the world, with a significant effect on respiratory health both …