[PDF][PDF] Using bloom's taxonomy to support data visualization capacity skills
V Byrd - E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in …, 2019 - learntechlib.org
Data visualization skills are becoming a prerequisite for academic and professional success.
There is a large demand nationally for information on how to teach data science and data …
There is a large demand nationally for information on how to teach data science and data …
Using evidence based practices and learning to enhance critical thinking skills in students through data visualization
This research-to-practice work in progress paper outlines the use of evidence-based
practices and learning to enhance critical thinking skills in students through data …
practices and learning to enhance critical thinking skills in students through data …
Innovative pedagogy for teaching and learning data visualization
VL Byrd - 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021 - peer.asee.org
This paper describes a process for teaching and learning data visualization with the use of a
series of worksheets for each stage of the data visualization process. The class meets twice …
series of worksheets for each stage of the data visualization process. The class meets twice …
Using dear data project to introduce data literacy and information literacy to undergraduates
VL Byrd - Advances in Software Engineering, Education, and e …, 2021 - Springer
This paper describes an approach for introducing data and information literacy to
undergraduates. This work aims to address the following research question:“What impact …
undergraduates. This work aims to address the following research question:“What impact …
[PDF][PDF] Usability of Data Visualization Activity Worksheets in the Context of a Critical Data Visualization Workshop: Findings from a Usability Survey
This evidence-based practice paper presents outcomes on workshop participants'
perception of the usability of data visualization worksheets utilized in a critical data …
perception of the usability of data visualization worksheets utilized in a critical data …
Facilitating Deep Learning Through Vertical Integration Between Data Visualization Courses Within an Undergraduate Data Visualization Curriculum
VL Byrd - HCI International 2019-Posters: 21st International …, 2019 - Springer
There is significant research underway on pedagogical approaches to data visualization that
include teaching data visualization in various classroom settings, short-form data …
include teaching data visualization in various classroom settings, short-form data …