River ecosystem metabolism and carbon biogeochemistry in a changing world
River networks represent the largest biogeochemical nexus between the continents, ocean
and atmosphere. Our current understanding of the role of rivers in the global carbon cycle …
and atmosphere. Our current understanding of the role of rivers in the global carbon cycle …
Recent advances and new frontiers in riverine and coastal flood modeling
Over the past decades, the scientific community has made significant efforts to simulate
flooding conditions using a variety of complex physically based models. Despite all …
flooding conditions using a variety of complex physically based models. Despite all …
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt
Owing to a long history of anthropogenic pressures, freshwater ecosystems are among the
most vulnerable to biodiversity loss. Mitigation measures, including wastewater treatment …
most vulnerable to biodiversity loss. Mitigation measures, including wastewater treatment …
Satellites reveal hotspots of global river extent change
Rivers are among the most diverse, dynamic, and productive ecosystems on Earth. River
flow regimes are constantly changing, but characterizing and understanding such changes …
flow regimes are constantly changing, but characterizing and understanding such changes …
Designing diversified renewable energy systems to balance multisector performance
Renewable energy system development and improved operation can mitigate climate
change. In many regions, hydropower is called to counterbalance the temporal variability of …
change. In many regions, hydropower is called to counterbalance the temporal variability of …
Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience
Rising water temperatures in rivers due to climate change are already having observable
impacts on river ecosystems. Warming water has both direct and indirect impacts on aquatic …
impacts on river ecosystems. Warming water has both direct and indirect impacts on aquatic …
River damming impacts on fish habitat and associated conservation measures
River damming has brought great benefits to flood mitigation, energy and food production,
and will continue to play a significant role in global energy supply, particularly in Asia, Africa …
and will continue to play a significant role in global energy supply, particularly in Asia, Africa …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive geospatial database of nearly 100 000 reservoirs in China
With rapid population growth and socioeconomic development over the last century, a great
number of dams/reservoirs have been constructed globally to meet various needs. China …
number of dams/reservoirs have been constructed globally to meet various needs. China …
Fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages reveal extensive degradation of the world's rivers
Rivers suffer from multiple stressors acting simultaneously on their biota, but the
consequences are poorly quantified at the global scale. We evaluated the biological …
consequences are poorly quantified at the global scale. We evaluated the biological …
Global trends in aquatic animal tracking with acoustic telemetry
Acoustic telemetry (AT) is a rapidly evolving technique used to track the movements of
aquatic animals. As the capacity of AT research expands it is important to optimize its …
aquatic animals. As the capacity of AT research expands it is important to optimize its …