Mechanistic forecasts of species responses to climate change: the promise of biophysical ecology
A core challenge in global change biology is to predict how species will respond to future
environmental change and to manage these responses. To make such predictions and …
environmental change and to manage these responses. To make such predictions and …
The prominent role of the matrix in ecology, evolution, and conservation
As the Anthropocene proceeds, the matrix in which remaining habitats are embedded is an
increasingly dominant component of altered landscapes. The matrix appears to have …
increasingly dominant component of altered landscapes. The matrix appears to have …
Long‐term change in the avifauna of undisturbed Amazonian rainforest: ground‐foraging birds disappear and the baseline shifts
How are rainforest birds faring in the Anthropocene? We use bird captures spanning> 35
years from 55 sites within a vast area of intact Amazonian rainforest to reveal reduced …
years from 55 sites within a vast area of intact Amazonian rainforest to reveal reduced …
Thermal biology mediates responses of amphibians and reptiles to habitat modification
Human activities often replace native forests with warmer, modified habitats that represent
novel thermal environments for biodiversity. Reducing biodiversity loss hinges upon …
novel thermal environments for biodiversity. Reducing biodiversity loss hinges upon …
A global analysis of habitat fragmentation research in reptiles and amphibians: what have we done so far?
Habitat change and fragmentation are the primary causes of biodiversity loss worldwide.
Recent decades have seen a surge of funding, published papers and citations in the field as …
Recent decades have seen a surge of funding, published papers and citations in the field as …
Phylogenetic homogenization of amphibian assemblages in human-altered habitats across the globe
Habitat conversion is driving biodiversity loss and restructuring species assemblages across
the globe. Responses to habitat conversion vary widely, however, and little is known about …
the globe. Responses to habitat conversion vary widely, however, and little is known about …
Local climatic changes affect biodiversity responses to land use: A review
Aim Climate and land‐use change, the greatest pressures on biodiversity, can directly
influence each other. One key case is the impact land‐use change has on local climatic …
influence each other. One key case is the impact land‐use change has on local climatic …
Vertebrate population trends are influenced by interactions between land use, climatic position, habitat loss and climate change
Rapid human‐driven environmental changes are impacting animal populations around the
world. Currently, land‐use and climate change are two of the biggest pressures facing …
world. Currently, land‐use and climate change are two of the biggest pressures facing …
A comprehensive database of amphibian heat tolerance
Rising temperatures represent a significant threat to the survival of ectothermic animals. As
such, upper thermal limits represent an important trait to assess the vulnerability of …
such, upper thermal limits represent an important trait to assess the vulnerability of …
Water loss and temperature interact to compound amphibian vulnerability to climate change
Ectotherm thermal physiology is frequently used to predict species responses to changing
climates, but for amphibians, water loss may be of equal or greater importance. Using …
climates, but for amphibians, water loss may be of equal or greater importance. Using …