[HTML][HTML] Random forests-based error-correction of streamflow from a large-scale hydrological model: Using model state variables to estimate error terms
To improve streamflow predictions, researchers have implemented updating procedures that
correct predictions from a simulation model using machine learning methods, in which …
correct predictions from a simulation model using machine learning methods, in which …
FutureStreams, a global dataset of future streamflow and water temperature
There is growing evidence that climate change impacts ecosystems and socio-economic
activities in freshwater environments. Consistent global data of projected streamflow and …
activities in freshwater environments. Consistent global data of projected streamflow and …
Coupling a global glacier model to a global hydrological model prevents underestimation of glacier runoff
Global hydrological models have become a valuable tool for a range of global impact
studies related to water resources. However, glacier parameterization is often simplistic or …
studies related to water resources. However, glacier parameterization is often simplistic or …
An improved and extended parameterization of the CO2 15 µm cooling in the middle and upper atmosphere (CO2_cool_fort-1.0)
M López-Puertas, F Fabiano… - Geoscientific Model …, 2024 - gmd.copernicus.org
The radiative infrared cooling of CO 2 in the middle atmosphere, where it emits under non-
local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) conditions, is a crucial contribution to the energy …
local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) conditions, is a crucial contribution to the energy …
Nitrate transport velocity data in the global unsaturated zones
C Yang, L Wang, S Chen, Y Li, S Huang, Q Zeng… - Scientific Data, 2022 - nature.com
Nitrate pollution in groundwater, which is an international problem, threatens human health
and the environment. It could take decades for nitrate to transport in the groundwater system …
and the environment. It could take decades for nitrate to transport in the groundwater system …
Uncertainty in the extreme flood magnitude estimates of large-scale flood hazard models
The growing worldwide impact of flood events has motivated the development and
application of global flood hazard models (GFHMs). These models have become useful …
application of global flood hazard models (GFHMs). These models have become useful …
[PDF][PDF] Nitrate transport velocity data in the global unsaturated zones
D DeSCrIptor - durham-repository.worktribe.com
Using artificial neural networks to improve hydrological streamflow predictions from PCR-GLOBWB
O Pomarol Moya - 2022 - studenttheses.uu.nl
This project aimed to improve the streamflow discharge simulation performance of the PCR-
GLOBWB hydrology model in the Rhine basin by modelling its residuals using artificial …
GLOBWB hydrology model in the Rhine basin by modelling its residuals using artificial …