Waterpipe tobacco smoking: what is the evidence that it supports nicotine/tobacco dependence?
Objective Waterpipe tobacco smoking (WTS) involves passing tobacco smoke through water
prior to inhalation, and has spread worldwide. This spread becomes a public health concern …
prior to inhalation, and has spread worldwide. This spread becomes a public health concern …
Health care and pharmacy practice in Jordan
LH Nazer, H Tuffaha - The Canadian journal of hospital …, 2017 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Jordan is an Arab country located in the north of the Arabian Peninsula, west of Asia. 1 It
occupies an area of about 92 000 km2, with an estimated total population of about 9.5 …
occupies an area of about 92 000 km2, with an estimated total population of about 9.5 …
Waterpipe tobacco smoking prevalence and correlates in 25 Eastern Mediterranean and Eastern European countries: cross-sectional analysis of the Global Youth …
Introduction: Waterpipe tobacco smoking is highly prevalent among young people in some
settings. There is an absence of nationally representative prevalence studies of waterpipe …
settings. There is an absence of nationally representative prevalence studies of waterpipe …
Salivary microbiome and cigarette smoking: a first of its kind investigation in Jordan
There is accumulating evidence in the biomedical literature suggesting the role of smoking
in increasing the risk of oral diseases including some oral cancers. Smoking alters microbial …
in increasing the risk of oral diseases including some oral cancers. Smoking alters microbial …
Opioid and drug prevalence in top 40's music: a 30 year review
C Hanba, D Hanba - The Journal of the American Board of Family …, 2018 - jabfm.org
Objectives/Hypothesis: Our objective was to identify current trends in the prose of popular
music and, specifically, to identify if a relationship exists between the mention of opioid …
music and, specifically, to identify if a relationship exists between the mention of opioid …
Prevalence, knowledge, attitude, and predictors of waterpipe smoking among school adolescents in Saudi Arabia
R Alsanosy - Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This cross‐sectional study was designed to investigate the prevalence, knowledge, attitude,
and predictors of waterpipe (WP) smoking among intermediate and secondary school …
and predictors of waterpipe (WP) smoking among intermediate and secondary school …
Prevalence and associated factors of psychoactive substance use among university students in the West Bank, Palestine
B Damiri, HN Sandouka, EH Janini… - … , Prevention and Policy, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
University students are at higher risk of using psychoactive substances (PS). The aim of this
study was to provide insight into the extent and the pattern of PS use among students in four …
study was to provide insight into the extent and the pattern of PS use among students in four …
Trauma exposure, mental health and tobacco use among vulnerable Syrian refugee youth in Jordan
Background Little is known about tobacco use among youth exposed to armed conflicts, or
the influence of trauma on tobacco use in this context. This study examined patterns of …
the influence of trauma on tobacco use in this context. This study examined patterns of …
“We cannot stop smoking”: Female university students' experiences and perceptions
Background While findings are available about smoking in young females, there is a dearth
of research reporting this problem among Jordanian females, particularly university …
of research reporting this problem among Jordanian females, particularly university …
The use of psychoactive substances in a conflict area in the West Bank: Drug use risk factors and practices in Palestinian refugee camps
BR Damiri - International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2020 - Springer
During a conflict, there is a significant disability related to common mental health problems,
including depression, anxiety, and substance misuse. A self-administered questionnaire …
including depression, anxiety, and substance misuse. A self-administered questionnaire …