Cultural group selection and human cooperation: a conceptual and empirical review
D Smith - Evolutionary Human Sciences, 2020 - cambridge.org
Cultural group selection has been proposed as an explanation for humans' highly
cooperative nature. This theory argues that social learning mechanisms, combined with …
cooperative nature. This theory argues that social learning mechanisms, combined with …
Monks relax sibling competition over parental resources in Tibetan populations
Why parents in some societies induce some of their sons to become religious celibates is an
evolutionary puzzle. Some have speculated that this might be associated with brother …
evolutionary puzzle. Some have speculated that this might be associated with brother …
Cultural change beyond adoption dynamics: Evolutionary approaches to the discontinuation of contraception
Numerous evolutionary mechanisms have been proposed for the origins, spread and
maintenance of low fertility. Such scholarship has focused on explaining the adoption of …
maintenance of low fertility. Such scholarship has focused on explaining the adoption of …
Changes in age at last birth and its determinants in India
In recent years, develo** and developed countries are witnessing delayed childbearing
among women contributing to the overall decline in fertility rates. The age at which a woman …
among women contributing to the overall decline in fertility rates. The age at which a woman …
The evolution of female-biased kinship in humans and other mammals
Female-biased kinship (FBK) arises in numerous species and in diverse human cultures,
suggesting deep evolutionary roots to female-oriented social structures. The significance of …
suggesting deep evolutionary roots to female-oriented social structures. The significance of …
[HTML][HTML] How can the global ageing affect the global value system? An evolutionary perspective
All demographic forecasts imply that global ageing will continue and even intensify in the
coming decades. As some values may change with age, global ageing is likely to cause …
coming decades. As some values may change with age, global ageing is likely to cause …
Whether to have a second child or not? An integrative approach to women's reproductive decision-making in current China
J Liu, V Lummaa - Evolution and Human Behavior, 2019 - Elsevier
The transition to low fertility worldwide has led to introduction of diverse frameworks across
disciplines to understand its causes and consequences. Previous attempts to compare the …
disciplines to understand its causes and consequences. Previous attempts to compare the …
Context specificity of “market integration” among the matrilineal Mosuo of Southwest China
Market integration (MI) is a complex process through which individuals integrate market-
oriented activities into previously subsistence-dominated lifeways. Changes associated with …
oriented activities into previously subsistence-dominated lifeways. Changes associated with …
[PDF][PDF] Using evolutionary theory to hypothesize a transition from patriliny to matriliny and back again among the ethnic Mosuo of Southwest China
Transitions to matriliny are said to be relatively rare. This evidence is sometimes used to
support arguments that perceive matriliny as a problematic and unstable system of kinship …
support arguments that perceive matriliny as a problematic and unstable system of kinship …
Worldwide fertility declines do not rely on stop** at ideal parities
A key demographic hypothesis has been that fertility declines rely on stop** at target
parities, but emerging evidence suggests that women frequently reduce fertility without …
parities, but emerging evidence suggests that women frequently reduce fertility without …