[HTML][HTML] Diversity of livelihoods and social sustainability in established mining communities
E Segerstedt, L Abrahamsson - The Extractive Industries and Society, 2019 - Elsevier
The challenges for any community that seeks to maintain a healthy and thriving social life
around an operating mine have been considered at some length in research, but the picture …
around an operating mine have been considered at some length in research, but the picture …
Joan Acker's influence on management and organization studies: Review, analysis and directions for the future
SM Nkomo, JK Rodriguez - Gender, Work & Organization, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This paper pays tribute to Joan Acker by discussing how her ideas have been utilized in
Management and Organization Studies (MOS). Through a systematic review of journal …
Management and Organization Studies (MOS). Through a systematic review of journal …
Rethinking labour migration: Covid-19, essential work, and systemic resilience
Many of the 'essential workers' during the Covid-19 pandemic are migrants, playing an
important role for the continued functioning of basic services–notably health services, social …
important role for the continued functioning of basic services–notably health services, social …
Rethinking the soft skills deficit blame game: Employers, skills withdrawal and the reporting of soft skills gaps
SA Hurrell - Human relations, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Soft (eg interpersonal and social) skills are receiving ever more attention with employers
frequently reporting that employees lack these skills. The 'blame game'for these skills deficits …
frequently reporting that employees lack these skills. The 'blame game'for these skills deficits …
The colour of skill: Contesting a racialised regime of skill from the experience of recent immigrants in Canada
S Guo - Studies in Continuing Education, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This article contests a racialised skills regime in Canada. Canadian studies of the labour
market transitions of skilled immigrants are analysed through the lens of critical race theory …
market transitions of skilled immigrants are analysed through the lens of critical race theory …
Organizational body work: Efforts to shape human bodies in organizations
In this article, we review management and organizational research that describes and
explains “organizational body work”—purposeful, organizationally embedded efforts to …
explains “organizational body work”—purposeful, organizationally embedded efforts to …
Temporality and gendered agency: Menopausal subjectivities in women's work
This article advances feminist organizational theorizing about embodiment and subjectivity
by investigating menopause at work as a temporally constituted phenomenon. We ask how …
by investigating menopause at work as a temporally constituted phenomenon. We ask how …
[Књига][B] Routledge handbook of sustainable and regenerative food systems
The future of food is uncertain. Rising levels of malnutrition, inequality, and environmental
degradation point to the failure of food systems to deliver safe and healthy food for all. As …
degradation point to the failure of food systems to deliver safe and healthy food for all. As …
[HTML][HTML] Gender in industrial mine work and organizations. A review of an expanding research field
S Heimann, K Johansson, WT Franklin - The Extractive Industries and …, 2023 - Elsevier
This article reviews the expanding research field of gender in industrial mine work and
organizations. The findings show that the literature provides nuanced insights into the …
organizations. The findings show that the literature provides nuanced insights into the …
Cis women's bodies at work: co‐modification and (in) visibility in organization and management studies and menopause at work scholarship
This paper reviews research on cis women's bodily self‐discipline in the workplace. We
compare literature exemplifying the 'bodily turn'in organization and management studies to …
compare literature exemplifying the 'bodily turn'in organization and management studies to …