Evaluating the complexity and falsifiability of psychological models.
Understanding model complexity is important for develo** useful psychological models.
One way to think about model complexity is in terms of the predictions a model makes and …
One way to think about model complexity is in terms of the predictions a model makes and …
Assessing the fitting propensity of factor models.
M Bader, M Moshagen - Psychological Methods, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Abstract Model selection is an omnipresent issue in structural equation modeling (SEM).
When deciding among competing theories instantiated as formal statistical models, a trade …
When deciding among competing theories instantiated as formal statistical models, a trade …
[HTML][HTML] Smartphone distraction: italian validation of the Smartphone Distraction Scale (SDS)
This work aimed to validate the use of the Smartphone Distraction Scale (SDS) in Italy. The
SDS was devised to assess distraction related to smartphone use in adult populations. A …
SDS was devised to assess distraction related to smartphone use in adult populations. A …
Variance, skewness and multiple outcomes in described and experienced prospects: Can one descriptive model capture it all?
We determined the scope of five decision models of choices across four environmental
niches defined by whether outcome probabilities are described (risk) or experienced by …
niches defined by whether outcome probabilities are described (risk) or experienced by …
Strong theory testing using the prior predictive and the data prior.
W Vanpaemel - Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical …, 2020 - psycnet.apa.org
In their seminal article, Roberts and Pashler (2000) highlighted that providing a good fit to
empirical data does not necessarily provide strong support for a theory. For a good fit to be …
empirical data does not necessarily provide strong support for a theory. For a good fit to be …
Individual differences in the Simon effect are underpinned by differences in the competitive dynamics in the basal ganglia: An experimental verification and a …
Cognitive control is thought to be made possible by the activity of the prefrontal cortex, which
selectively uses task-specific representations to bias the selection of task-appropriate …
selectively uses task-specific representations to bias the selection of task-appropriate …
A unified framework for interpreting a range of motivation-performance phenomena
Abstract Effects of motivation on cognition and performance have been found empirically in
different fields. However, the relationship between motivation and performance seems …
different fields. However, the relationship between motivation and performance seems …
Model comparison in psychology
Models in cognitive science are formal descriptions of a cognitive process (eg, memory,
decision making, learning). They are an attractive and powerful tool for studying cognition …
decision making, learning). They are an attractive and powerful tool for studying cognition …
A dual-trace model for visual sensory memory.
Visual sensory memory refers to a transient memory lingering briefly after the stimulus offset.
Although previous literature suggests that visual sensory memory is supported by a fine …
Although previous literature suggests that visual sensory memory is supported by a fine …
The experiment is just as important as the likelihood in understanding the prior: a cautionary note on robust cognitive modeling
Cognitive modeling shares many features with statistical modeling, making it seem trivial to
borrow from the practices of robust Bayesian statistics to protect the practice of robust …
borrow from the practices of robust Bayesian statistics to protect the practice of robust …