Is the track of the Yellowstone hotspot driven by a deep mantle plume?—Review of volcanism, faulting, and uplift in light of new data
KL Pierce, LA Morgan - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2009 - Elsevier
Geophysical imaging of a tilted mantle plume extending at least 500 km beneath the
Yellowstone caldera provides compelling support for a plume origin of the entire …
Yellowstone caldera provides compelling support for a plume origin of the entire …
Active tectonics of northwestern US inferred from GPS‐derived surface velocities
R McCaffrey, RW King, SJ Payne… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Surface velocities derived from GPS observations from 1993 to 2011 at several hundred
sites across the deforming northwestern United States are used to further elucidate the …
sites across the deforming northwestern United States are used to further elucidate the …
The Cascadia Paradox: Mantle flow and slab fragmentation in the Cascadia subduction system
MD Long - Journal of Geodynamics, 2016 - Elsevier
The pattern of mantle flow in subduction systems and the processes that control the mantle
flow field represent fundamental but still poorly understood aspects of subduction dynamics …
flow field represent fundamental but still poorly understood aspects of subduction dynamics …
Toroidal mantle flow through the western US slab window
G Zandt, E Humphreys - Geology, 2008 -
The circular pattern of anisotropic fast-axis orientations of split SKS arrivals observed in the
western US cannot be attributed reasonably to either preexisting lithospheric fabric or to …
western US cannot be attributed reasonably to either preexisting lithospheric fabric or to …
Vertical mantle flow associated with a lithospheric drip beneath the Great Basin
Rapid surface uplift or subsidence and voluminous magmatic activity have often been
ascribed to regional-scale downwelling of lithospheric mantle. However, because …
ascribed to regional-scale downwelling of lithospheric mantle. However, because …
Crustal shear wave velocity structure of the western United States inferred from ambient seismic noise and earthquake data
Surface wave dispersion measurements from ambient seismic noise and array‐based
measurements from teleseismic earthquakes observed with the EarthScope/USArray …
measurements from teleseismic earthquakes observed with the EarthScope/USArray …
Seismic anisotropy beneath Cascadia and the Mendocino triple junction: Interaction of the subducting slab with mantle flow
Mantle flow associated with the Cascadia subduction zone and the Mendocino Triple
Junction is poorly characterized due to a lack of shear wave splitting studies compared to …
Junction is poorly characterized due to a lack of shear wave splitting studies compared to …
Bimodal volcanism of the High Lava Plains and Northwestern Basin and Range of Oregon: Distribution and tectonic implications of age‐progressive rhyolites
Multiple episodes of Oligocene and younger silicic volcanism are represented in the high
lava plateau of central and southeastern Oregon. From 12 Ma to Recent, volcanism is …
lava plateau of central and southeastern Oregon. From 12 Ma to Recent, volcanism is …
Shear wave splitting and the pattern of mantle flow beneath eastern Oregon
The tectonic and geologic setting of eastern Oregon includes the volcanically active High
Lava Plains (HLP) province and the accreted terrains of the Blue and Wallowa Mountains …
Lava Plains (HLP) province and the accreted terrains of the Blue and Wallowa Mountains …
P-wave tomography of the western United States: Insight into the Yellowstone hotspot and the Juan de Fuca slab
We used 190,947 high-quality P-wave arrival times from 8421 local earthquakes and
1,098,022 precise travel-time residuals from 6470 teleseismic events recorded by the …
1,098,022 precise travel-time residuals from 6470 teleseismic events recorded by the …