Diabetes technology update: use of insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring in the hospital
The use of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and continuous glucose
monitoring (CGM) systems has gained wide acceptance in diabetes care. These devices …
monitoring (CGM) systems has gained wide acceptance in diabetes care. These devices …
American Association of Clinical Endocrinology clinical practice guideline: develo** a diabetes mellitus comprehensive care plan—2022 update
Objective The objective of this clinical practice guideline is to provide updated and new
evidence-based recommendations for the comprehensive care of persons with diabetes …
evidence-based recommendations for the comprehensive care of persons with diabetes …
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology–clinical practice guidelines for develo** a diabetes mellitus …
ABSTRACT The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College of
Endocrinology Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice are systematically developed …
Endocrinology Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice are systematically developed …
Hypoglycemia and risk of vascular events and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Aims Hypoglycemia has been associated with adverse outcomes in patients with diabetes
and critical illness. However, such associations in these populations have not been …
and critical illness. However, such associations in these populations have not been …
Association between glycemic control and adverse outcomes in people with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease: a population-based cohort study
Background Better glycemic control as reflected by lower hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c) level
may prevent or slow progression of nephropathy in people with diabetes mellitus (DM) …
may prevent or slow progression of nephropathy in people with diabetes mellitus (DM) …
Hypoglycemia in non-diabetic in-patients: clinical or criminal?
Background and Aim We wished to establish the frequency of unexpected hypoglycemia
observed in non diabetic patients outside the intensive care unit and to determine if they …
observed in non diabetic patients outside the intensive care unit and to determine if they …
Risk factors for inpatient hypoglycemia during subcutaneous insulin therapy in non-critically ill patients with type 2 diabetes
F Farrokhi, O Klindukhova, P Chandra, L Peng… - 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
Objective: We aimed to determine risk factors associated with hypoglycemia during
subcutaneous insulin therapy in non-critically ill patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: We …
subcutaneous insulin therapy in non-critically ill patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: We …
Hypoglycemia associated with hospitalization and adverse events in older people: population-based cohort study
OBJECTIVE Little is known about the prognostic impact of hypoglycemia associated with
hospitalization. We hypothesized that hospitalized hypoglycemia would be associated with …
hospitalization. We hypothesized that hospitalized hypoglycemia would be associated with …
Stress hyperglycemia and newly diagnosed diabetes in 2124 patients hospitalized with pneumonia
OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to determine the association between random admission
hyperglycemia and new diagnosis of diabetes after discharge in patients hospitalized with …
hyperglycemia and new diagnosis of diabetes after discharge in patients hospitalized with …
Advances in the prevention, management, and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the infectious disease with the highest number of
deaths worldwide. Nevertheless, its importance is often underestimated. Large cohorts of …
deaths worldwide. Nevertheless, its importance is often underestimated. Large cohorts of …