Integrated sensing and communication signals toward 5G-A and 6G: A survey
Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has the advantages of efficient spectrum
utilization and low hardware cost. It is promising to be implemented in the fifth-generation …
utilization and low hardware cost. It is promising to be implemented in the fifth-generation …
An overview of signal processing techniques for RIS/IRS-aided wireless systems
In the past as well as present wireless communication systems, the wireless propagation
environment is regarded as an uncontrollable black box that impairs the received signal …
environment is regarded as an uncontrollable black box that impairs the received signal …
Channel estimation with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces—A general framework
Optimally extracting the advantages available from reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs)
in wireless communications systems requires estimation of the channels to and from the RIS …
in wireless communications systems requires estimation of the channels to and from the RIS …
[КНИГА][B] Modern signal processing
XD Zhang - 2022 - books.google.com
The book systematically introduces theories of frequently-used modern signal processing
methods and technologies, and focuses discussions on stochastic signal, parameter …
methods and technologies, and focuses discussions on stochastic signal, parameter …
Tensor decomposition for signal processing and machine learning
Tensors or multiway arrays are functions of three or more indices (i, j, k,...)-similar to matrices
(two-way arrays), which are functions of two indices (r, c) for (row, column). Tensors have a …
(two-way arrays), which are functions of two indices (r, c) for (row, column). Tensors have a …
ESPRIT-estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques
R Roy, T Kailath - IEEE Transactions on acoustics, speech, and …, 1989 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An approach to the general problem of signal parameter estimation is described. The
algorithm differs from its predecessor in that a total least-squares rather than a standard …
algorithm differs from its predecessor in that a total least-squares rather than a standard …
MUSIC, maximum likelihood, and Cramer-Rao bound
The performance of the MUSIC and ML methods is studied, and their statistical efficiency is
analyzed. The Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for the estimation problems is derived, and some …
analyzed. The Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for the estimation problems is derived, and some …
Sensitivity to basis mismatch in compressed sensing
The theory of compressed sensing suggests that successful inversion of an image of the
physical world (broadly defined to include speech signals, radar/sonar returns, vibration …
physical world (broadly defined to include speech signals, radar/sonar returns, vibration …
Matrix pencil method for estimating parameters of exponentially damped/undamped sinusoids in noise
Y Hua, TK Sarkar - IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech …, 1990 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A study of a matrix pencil method for estimating frequencies and dam** factors of
exponentially damped and/or undamped sinusoids in noise is presented. Comparison of this …
exponentially damped and/or undamped sinusoids in noise is presented. Comparison of this …
Application of antenna arrays to mobile communications. II. Beam-forming and direction-of-arrival considerations
LC Godara - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1997 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Array processing involves manipulation of signals induced on various antenna elements. Its
capabilities of steering nulls to reduce cochannel interferences and pointing independent …
capabilities of steering nulls to reduce cochannel interferences and pointing independent …