[КНИГА][B] Trabajo y posmodernidad: el empleo débil

LE Alonso - 2001 - books.google.com
Page 1 Trabajo y posmodernidad: el empleo débil LUIS ENRIQUE ALONSO Editorial

Local or localized? Exploring the contributions of Franco-Mediterranean agrifood theory to alternative food research

S Bowen, T Mutersbaugh - Agriculture and human values, 2014 - Springer
Notions such as terroir and “Slow Food,” which originated in Mediterranean Europe, have
emerged as buzzwords around the globe, becoming commonplace across Europe and …

[HTML][HTML] Innovación, redes, recursos patrimoniales y desarrollo territorial

I Caravaca, G González, R Silva - EURE (Santiago), 2005 - SciELO Chile
Las profundas transformaciones ocurridas durante las últimas décadas demandan nuevas
respuestas para poder hacer frente a los problemas y retos que ahora se perfilan. En tal …

[КНИГА][B] Manual del agente de desarrollo local

M Alburquerque - 1999 - observatoriocultural.udgvirtual.udg …
MANUAL DEL AGENTE DEL DESARROLLO LOCAL Manuel Alburquerque & Diputación de
Barcelona Page 1 1 MANUAL DEL AGENTE DEL DESARROLLO LOCAL Manuel Alburquerque …

Instituições, territórios e desenvolvimento local: delineamento preliminar dos aspectos teóricos e morfológicos

EL da Silva PERES, G Müller… - Geografia, 2006 - periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br
O esboço de uma metodologia de pesquisa das relações entre território e desenvolvimento
local, objeto do presente artigo, resulta da compilação de leituras sistematizadas, cujo …

Territorial systems of small firms in Spain: an analysis of productive and organizational characteristics in industrial districts

JM Giner, MJS María - Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
The objective of this paper is to examine the degree to which the enterprises located in
industrial districts of the Valencian Community (a Spanish region) have organizational …

The district effect and the competitiveness of manufacturing companies in local productive systems

MT Costa-Campi, E Viladecans-Marsal - Urban Studies, 1999 - journals.sagepub.com
The present study evaluates the existence of differences in competitiveness of Spanish
industrial firms as a consequence of the district effect. A quantitative analysis has been …

[КНИГА][B] Determinants and policies to foster the competitiveness of SME clusters: Evidence from Latin America

M Albaladejo - 2001 - Citeseer
Nearly all Latin American economies have faced a shift towards more liberalised regimes in
the last decade. The opening up to new markets has exposed small-and medium-sized …

[PDF][PDF] Sistemas productivos locales y distritos industriales: el caso de España

EAC López - BAGE. Boletín de la Asociación Española de …, 1997 - dialnet.unirioja.es
El artículo trata de distritos industriales y sistemas productivos locales, en el contexto de la
crisis del fordismo y la emergencia del modelo de especialización flexible. Incluye una …