FLAG review 2021

Y Aoki, T Blum, G Colangelo, S Collins… - The European Physical …, 2022 - Springer
We review lattice results related to pion, kaon, D-meson, B-meson, and nucleon physics with
the aim of making them easily accessible to the nuclear and particle physics communities …

FLAG review 2019: Flavour lattice averaging group (FLAG)

S Aoki, Y Aoki, D Bečirević, T Blum… - The European Physical …, 2020 - Springer
We review lattice results related to pion, kaon, D-meson, B-meson, and nucleon physics with
the aim of making them easily accessible to the nuclear and particle physics communities …

QCD running couplings and effective charges

A Deur, SJ Brodsky, CD Roberts - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2024 - Elsevier
We discuss our present knowledge of α s, the fundamental running coupling or effective
charge of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). A precise understanding of the running of α s …

Snowmass 2021 whitepaper: Proton structure at the precision frontier

S Amoroso, A Apyan, N Armesto, RD Ball… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
An overwhelming number of theoretical predictions for hadron colliders require parton
distribution functions (PDFs), which are an important ingredient of theory infrastructure for …

The QCD running coupling

A Deur, SJ Brodsky, GF de Teramond - Progress in Particle and Nuclear …, 2016 - Elsevier
We review the present theoretical and empirical knowledge for α s, the fundamental
coupling underlying the interactions of quarks and gluons in Quantum Chromodynamics …

Review of lattice results concerning low-energy particle physics: Flavour Lattice Averaging Group (FLAG)

S Aoki, Y Aoki, D Bečirević, C Bernard, T Blum… - The European Physical …, 2017 - Springer
We review lattice results related to pion, kaon, D-and B-meson physics with the aim of
making them easily accessible to the particle-physics community. More specifically, we …

Lattice QCD calculation of form factors describing the rare decays and

RR Horgan, Z Liu, S Meinel, M Wingate - Physical Review D, 2014 - APS
The rare decays B 0→ K* 0 μ+ μ-and B s→ ϕ μ+ μ-are now being observed with enough
precision to test Standard Model predictions. A full understanding of these decays requires …

Highly improved staggered quarks on the lattice with applications to charm physics

E Follana, Q Mason, C Davies, K Hornbostel… - Physical Review D …, 2007 - APS
We use perturbative Symanzik improvement to create a new staggered-quark action (HISQ)
that has greatly reduced one-loop taste-exchange errors, no tree-level order a 2 errors, and …

-mixing matrix elements from lattice QCD for the Standard Model and beyond

A Bazavov, C Bernard, CM Bouchard, CC Chang… - Physical Review D, 2016 - APS
We calculate—for the first time in three-flavor lattice QCD—the hadronic matrix elements of
all five local operators that contribute to neutral B 0-and B s-meson mixing in and beyond the …

Review of lattice results concerning low-energy particle physics

FLAG Working Group, S Aoki, Y Aoki, C Bernard… - The European Physical …, 2014 - Springer
We review lattice results related to pion, kaon, D D-and B B-meson physics with the aim of
making them easily accessible to the particle-physics community. More specifically, we …