Social modeling of eating: A review of when and why social influence affects food intake and choice
A major determinant of human eating behavior is social modeling, whereby people use
others' eating as a guide for what and how much to eat. We review the experimental studies …
others' eating as a guide for what and how much to eat. We review the experimental studies …
Added sugar and dental caries in children: a scientific update and future steps
Excess added sugars, particularly in the form of sugar sweetened beverages, is a leading
cause of tooth decay in US children. While added sugar intake is rooted behavioral and …
cause of tooth decay in US children. While added sugar intake is rooted behavioral and …
[HTML][HTML] Infancy dietary patterns, development, and health: an extensive narrative review
Correct dietary patterns are important for a child's health from birth to adulthood.
Understanding a child's health as a state of entire physical, mental, and social well-being is …
Understanding a child's health as a state of entire physical, mental, and social well-being is …
Targeted nudging for speeding behavior: The influence of interpersonal characteristics on responses to in-vehicle road nudges
Road carnage is one of the most fatal and expensive global issues today. Many solutions
have been implemented to minimize it, but most are costly and unreliable. Therefore, in this …
have been implemented to minimize it, but most are costly and unreliable. Therefore, in this …
A social network-based intervention stimulating peer influence on children's self-reported water consumption: a randomized control trial
The current pilot study examined the effectiveness of a social network-based intervention
using peer influence on self-reported water consumption. A total of 210 children (52% girls; …
using peer influence on self-reported water consumption. A total of 210 children (52% girls; …
[HTML][HTML] Snacks, nudges and asymmetric peer influence: Evidence from food choice experiments with children in Indonesia
Many children in low-and middle-income countries are growing up during a rapid nutrition
transition. Experimental evidence on food choice in develo** countries is scarce, while it …
transition. Experimental evidence on food choice in develo** countries is scarce, while it …
What motivates their food choice? Children are key informants
In Australia, children are not eating according to the Australian Dietary Guidelines despite
the incorporation of numerous public health initiatives in the school setting. Literature …
the incorporation of numerous public health initiatives in the school setting. Literature …
Influenced but unaware: social influence on alcohol drinking among social acquaintances
Background Drinking partners may be influenced by each other's alcohol consumption.
However, these effects have only been shown in artificially created social pairings and …
However, these effects have only been shown in artificially created social pairings and …
Social modelling of food intake. The role of familiarity of the dining partners and food type
In a social eating context, people tend to model the food intake of their dining companions.
In general, people tend to eat more when their dining companion eats more and less when …
In general, people tend to eat more when their dining companion eats more and less when …
Awareness of social influence on food intake. An analysis of two experimental studies
There is consistent evidence that the amount of food we consume can be influenced by the
eating behaviour of other people. Some previous experimental studies reported that …
eating behaviour of other people. Some previous experimental studies reported that …