Multinational firms, innovation and productivity
Multinationals play a fundamental role in innovation and productivity growth. Indeed, 98 per
cent of the top 700 R&D spenders are multinational firms (MNFs) and account for more than …
cent of the top 700 R&D spenders are multinational firms (MNFs) and account for more than …
Local clusters in global value chains
The location of economic activities in specific territories and the reorganization of industries
into global value chains have reshaped analysis on the competitiveness of regions and …
into global value chains have reshaped analysis on the competitiveness of regions and …
Transnational firms and the changing organisation of innovative activities
A Zanfei - Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2000 - academic.oup.com
It is suggested that a transition is taking place towards new modes of organising
transnational corporations' innovative activities. First, different units of multinational firms …
transnational corporations' innovative activities. First, different units of multinational firms …
Evolutionary patterns of Italian industrial districts
G Corò, R Grandinetti - Human Systems Management, 1999 - content.iospress.com
This paper describes the results of a survey that was carried out in nineteen industrial
districts in Italy. The data collected clearly show that the districts examined are undergoing a …
districts in Italy. The data collected clearly show that the districts examined are undergoing a …
Un tesoro emergente: Le medie imprese italiane dell'era globale
R Varaldo - 2009 - torrossa.com
Questo libro valorizza in misura intelligente e originale la crescita della media impresa in
Italia. Le analisi contenute nel volume raggiungono un obiettivo importante in un contesto …
Italia. Le analisi contenute nel volume raggiungono un obiettivo importante in un contesto …
New trends in port strategies. Emerging role for ICT infrastructures
New trends in port strategies are emerging around the world in the last decade: port
authorities are modifying their nature and their role, acquiring more and more an active role …
authorities are modifying their nature and their role, acquiring more and more an active role …
Industrial district responses to the network economy: vertical integration versus pluralist global exploration
G Corò, R Grandinetti - Human Systems Management, 2001 - content.iospress.com
The major purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of global networking on Italian
industrial districts (IDs). Today, in many Italian IDs we can observe a trend towards opening …
industrial districts (IDs). Today, in many Italian IDs we can observe a trend towards opening …
Techno-globalism, techno-nationalism and technological systems: organizing the evidence
S Montresor - Technovation, 2001 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the globalization process, and with the tension between national,
super-national and sub-national forces it entails in the field of technology. The concept of …
super-national and sub-national forces it entails in the field of technology. The concept of …
The location of multinationals in industrial districts: knowledge transfer in biomedicals
L Biggiero - The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2002 - Springer
In order to access and exploit knowledge, MNCs are induced to make FDI in technological
districts. It occurs in a two-step process: first joint venture and then acquisition. This …
districts. It occurs in a two-step process: first joint venture and then acquisition. This …
Strategie di delocalizzazione e processi evolutivi nei distretti industriali italiani
G Corò, R Grandinetti - L'industria, 1999 - rivisteweb.it
Pierre Veltz sostiene che «l'economia, quanto più si mondializza, tanto meno è
conoscibile». Basti pensare, ad esempio,«al carattere spesso ingannevole della valutazione …
conoscibile». Basti pensare, ad esempio,«al carattere spesso ingannevole della valutazione …