Demystifying parallel and distributed deep learning: An in-depth concurrency analysis
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are becoming an important tool in modern computing
applications. Accelerating their training is a major challenge and techniques range from …
applications. Accelerating their training is a major challenge and techniques range from …
Scalable deep learning on distributed infrastructures: Challenges, techniques, and tools
Deep Learning (DL) has had an immense success in the recent past, leading to state-of-the-
art results in various domains, such as image recognition and natural language processing …
art results in various domains, such as image recognition and natural language processing …
Feddc: Federated learning with non-iid data via local drift decoupling and correction
Federated learning (FL) allows multiple clients to collectively train a high-performance
global model without sharing their private data. However, the key challenge in federated …
global model without sharing their private data. However, the key challenge in federated …
See through gradients: Image batch recovery via gradinversion
Training deep neural networks requires gradient estimation from data batches to update
parameters. Gradients per parameter are averaged over a set of data and this has been …
parameters. Gradients per parameter are averaged over a set of data and this has been …
Cafe: Catastrophic data leakage in vertical federated learning
Recent studies show that private training data can be leaked through the gradients sharing
mechanism deployed in distributed machine learning systems, such as federated learning …
mechanism deployed in distributed machine learning systems, such as federated learning …
Scaffold: Stochastic controlled averaging for federated learning
Federated learning is a key scenario in modern large-scale machine learning where the
data remains distributed over a large number of clients and the task is to learn a centralized …
data remains distributed over a large number of clients and the task is to learn a centralized …
Deep leakage from gradients
Passing gradient is a widely used scheme in modern multi-node learning system (eg,
distributed training, collaborative learning). In a long time, people used to believe that …
distributed training, collaborative learning). In a long time, people used to believe that …
Towards efficient and scalable sharpness-aware minimization
Abstract Recently, Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM), which connects the geometry of
the loss landscape and generalization, has demonstrated a significant performance boost …
the loss landscape and generalization, has demonstrated a significant performance boost …
Large batch optimization for deep learning: Training bert in 76 minutes
Training large deep neural networks on massive datasets is computationally very
challenging. There has been recent surge in interest in using large batch stochastic …
challenging. There has been recent surge in interest in using large batch stochastic …
Scaling distributed machine learning with {In-Network} aggregation
Training machine learning models in parallel is an increasingly important workload. We
accelerate distributed parallel training by designing a communication primitive that uses a …
accelerate distributed parallel training by designing a communication primitive that uses a …