Estimating animal population density using passive acoustics
Reliable estimation of the size or density of wild animal populations is very important for
effective wildlife management, conservation and ecology. Currently, the most widely used …
effective wildlife management, conservation and ecology. Currently, the most widely used …
An overview of fixed passive acoustic observation methods for cetaceans
METHODS Fixed passive acoustic surveys require several steps, including survey design,
placement and sometimes recovery of recording instruments, extraction of vocalizations of …
placement and sometimes recovery of recording instruments, extraction of vocalizations of …
Increases in deep ocean ambient noise in the Northeast Pacific west of San Nicolas Island, California
Recent measurement at a previously studied location illustrates the magnitude of increases
in ocean ambient noise in the Northeast Pacific over the past four decades. Continuous …
in ocean ambient noise in the Northeast Pacific over the past four decades. Continuous …
High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) for broad-band, long-term marine mammal monitoring
Advancements in low-power and high-data-capacity consumer computer technology during
the past decade have been adapted to autonomously record sounds from marine mammals …
the past decade have been adapted to autonomously record sounds from marine mammals …
Blue and fin whale call source levels and propagation range in the Southern Ocean
Blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin whales (B. physalus) produce high-intensity, low-
frequency calls, which probably function for communication during mating and feeding. The …
frequency calls, which probably function for communication during mating and feeding. The …
An ecological acoustic recorder (EAR) for long-term monitoring of biological and anthropogenic sounds on coral reefs and other marine habitats
Kee** track of long-term biological trends in many marine habitats is a challenging task
that is exacerbated when the habitats in question are in remote locations. Monitoring the …
that is exacerbated when the habitats in question are in remote locations. Monitoring the …
[PDF][PDF] A review and inventory of fixed autonomous recorders for passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals
Fixed autonomous acoustic recording devices (autonomous recorders [ARs]) are defined as
any electronic recording system that acquires and stores acoustic data internally (ie, without …
any electronic recording system that acquires and stores acoustic data internally (ie, without …
Studying the behaviour and sensory ecology of marine mammals using acoustic recording tags: a review
Many marine animals use sound passively or actively for communication, foraging, predator
avoidance, navigation, and to sense their environment. The advent of acoustic recording …
avoidance, navigation, and to sense their environment. The advent of acoustic recording …
Seasonality of blue and fin whale calls and the influence of sea ice in the Western Antarctic Peninsula
The calling seasonality of blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin (B. physalus) whales was
assessed using acoustic data recorded on seven autonomous acoustic recording packages …
assessed using acoustic data recorded on seven autonomous acoustic recording packages …
Worldwide decline in tonal frequencies of blue whale songs
Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus songs can be divided into at least 10 types worldwide,
each type retaining the same units and similar phrasing over decades, unlike humpback …
each type retaining the same units and similar phrasing over decades, unlike humpback …