The sharing economy and digital platforms: A review and research agenda
Over the last few years the sharing economy has been changing the way that people share
and conduct transactions in digital spaces. This research phenomenon has drawn scholars …
and conduct transactions in digital spaces. This research phenomenon has drawn scholars …
Prosumption: bibliometric analysis using HistCite and VOSviewer
Purpose Over the past decade, the term prosumption (denoting simultaneous consumption
and production) has exhibited a dramatic increase in frequency of use in publications in the …
and production) has exhibited a dramatic increase in frequency of use in publications in the …
Exploring the dark and unexpected sides of digitalization: Toward a critical agenda
Digitalization has far-reaching implications for individuals, organizations, and society. While
extant management and organization studies mainly focus on the positive aspects of this …
extant management and organization studies mainly focus on the positive aspects of this …
Digital innovation and transformation: An institutional perspective
In this conceptual piece we suggest that the institutional perspective is a prolific lens to study
digital innovation and transformation. Digital innovation is about the creation and putting into …
digital innovation and transformation. Digital innovation is about the creation and putting into …
Between mutuality, autonomy and domination: rethinking digital platforms as contested relational structures
Abstract This Special Issue advances a new understanding of digital platforms as dynamic
and relational. An archetypal transaction platform, we argue, is comprised of three canonical …
and relational. An archetypal transaction platform, we argue, is comprised of three canonical …
[HTML][HTML] Defining the sharing economy for sustainability
(1) Background: The sharing economy has emerged as a phenomenon widely described by
academic literature to promote more sustainable consumption practices such as access over …
academic literature to promote more sustainable consumption practices such as access over …
When the sharing economy becomes neoliberalism on steroids: Unravelling the controversies
D Murillo, H Buckland, E Val - Technological Forecasting and Social …, 2017 - Elsevier
Morozov (2013a) in an op-ed published in The Financial Times stated:“the sharing economy
[SE] amplifies the worst excesses of the dominant economic model: it is neoliberalism on …
[SE] amplifies the worst excesses of the dominant economic model: it is neoliberalism on …
Working consumers: Co-creation of brand identity, consumer identity and brand community identity
The creation of identity, in terms of both consumer identity and brand identity, is a core topic
in marketing theory. Based on participant ethnography of Yes Edinburgh North & Leith, part …
in marketing theory. Based on participant ethnography of Yes Edinburgh North & Leith, part …
Closing for the benefit of openness? The case of Wikimedia's open strategy process
A growing number of organizations subscribe to ideals of openness in areas such as
innovation or strategy-making, supported by digital technologies and fuelled by promises of …
innovation or strategy-making, supported by digital technologies and fuelled by promises of …
Opportunities and challenges in the new innovation landscape: Implications for innovation auditing and innovation management
Innovation auditing is a well-established practice used by managers to identify strengths and
weaknesses in innovation. Existing audit frameworks fall short, however, because they …
weaknesses in innovation. Existing audit frameworks fall short, however, because they …