The effectiveness of physical literacy interventions: a systematic review with meta-analysis

J Carl, J Barratt, P Wanner, C Töpfer, J Cairney… - Sports medicine, 2022 - Springer
Background The holistic concept of physical literacy assumes that individuals require
adequate cognitive (knowledge and understanding), affective (motivation and confidence) …

Understanding physical literacy in the context of health: a rapid sco** review

K Cornish, G Fox, T Fyfe, E Koopmans, A Pousette… - BMC public health, 2020 - Springer
Background Physical literacy is a multidimensional concept that describes a holistic
foundation for physical activity engagement. Understanding the utilization and effectiveness …

[HTML][HTML] Physical literacy, physical activity, and health indicators in school-age children

HAT Caldwell, NA Di Cristofaro, J Cairney… - International Journal of …, 2020 -
It has been theorized that physical literacy is associated with physical activity and health.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the associations between physical literacy and …

Physical literacy assessment in adults: A systematic review

A Boldovskaia, NMG Dias, MN Silva, EV Carraça - PLoS One, 2023 -
Physical literacy is a multidimensional construct that has been defined and interpreted in
various ways, one of the most common being “the motivation, confidence, physical …

Effect of sport education on students' perceived physical literacy, motivation, and physical activity levels in university required physical education: a cluster-randomized …

SM Choi, KWR Sum, FLE Leung, T Wallhead… - Higher Education, 2021 - Springer
Originating from the field of physical education, physical literacy is an individual disposition
that accentuates the importance of lifelong physical activity. Sport education is a sport-based …

How are physical literacy interventions conceptualized?–a systematic review on intervention design and content

J Carl, J Barratt, C Toepfer, J Cairney… - Psychology of Sport and …, 2022 - Elsevier
The concept of physical literacy (PL) has gained increasing attention over the last decade
and posits that individuals value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities …

Development, explanation, and presentation of the physical literacy interventions reporting template (PLIRT)

J Carl, J Barratt, KP Arbour-Nicitopoulos… - International journal of …, 2023 - Springer
Background The physical literacy (PL) concept integrates different personal (eg, physical,
cognitive, psychological/affective, social) determinants of physical activity and has received …

Physical literacy as a determinant of physical activity level among late adolescents

Ö Öztürk, O Aydoğdu, S Kutlutürk Yıkılmaz, Ö Feyzioğlu… - Plos one, 2023 -
Background/Objectives This study aimed to investigate the level of physical literacy among
late adolescents according to the current physical activity level and to examine the …

Cross-sectional associations between adolescents' physical literacy, sport and exercise participation, and wellbeing

PS Melby, P Elsborg, P Bentsen… - Frontiers in Public Health, 2023 -
Background Adolescence is a significant period in one's development of positive emotional
and social wellbeing. Physical literacy (PL) is considered a determinant of physical health …

Exploring the mediating roles of physical literacy and mindfulness on psychological distress and life satisfaction among college students

W Kan, F Huang, M Xu, X Shi, Z Yan, M Türegün - PeerJ, 2024 -
Background Psychological distress has been a growing challenge to healthy living
worldwide. Special attention has been concentrated on examining the cost of psychological …