Attosecond spectroscopy for the investigation of ultrafast dynamics in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics
Since the first demonstration of the generation of attosecond pulses (1 as= 10− 18 s) in the
extreme-ultraviolet spectral region, several measurement techniques have been introduced …
extreme-ultraviolet spectral region, several measurement techniques have been introduced …
The ultrafast X-ray spectroscopic revolution in chemical dynamics
The past two decades have seen rapid developments in short-pulse X-ray sources, which
have enabled the study of nuclear and electronic dynamics by ultrafast X-ray spectroscopies …
have enabled the study of nuclear and electronic dynamics by ultrafast X-ray spectroscopies …
Transient absorption spectroscopy using high harmonic generation: a review of ultrafast X-ray dynamics in molecules and solids
Attosecond science opened the door to observing nuclear and electronic dynamics in real
time and has begun to expand beyond its traditional grounds. Among several spectroscopic …
time and has begun to expand beyond its traditional grounds. Among several spectroscopic …
Sub-cycle millijoule-level parametric waveform synthesizer for attosecond science
The availability of high-energy pulses with durations shorter than the period of their carrier
frequency (sub-cycle) will reveal new regimes of strong-field light–matter interactions …
frequency (sub-cycle) will reveal new regimes of strong-field light–matter interactions …
Attosecond technology (ies) and science
Since 2001 and the first demonstrations of the feasibility of generating and measuring
attosecond light pulses, attosecond science has developed into a very active and quickly …
attosecond light pulses, attosecond science has developed into a very active and quickly …
Zeptosecond birth time delay in molecular photoionization
Photoionization is one of the fundamental light-matter interaction processes in which the
absorption of a photon launches the escape of an electron. The time scale of this process …
absorption of a photon launches the escape of an electron. The time scale of this process …
Attosecond circular-dichroism chronoscopy of electron vortices
Circular dichroism (CD) describes the different responses of a chiral object to circularly
polarized light of opposite handedness and serves as the basis of most chirality-sensitive …
polarized light of opposite handedness and serves as the basis of most chirality-sensitive …
Capturing electron-driven chiral dynamics in UV-excited molecules
Chiral molecules, used in applications such as enantioselective photocatalysis, circularly
polarized light detection and emission and molecular switches,, exist in two geometrical …
polarized light detection and emission and molecular switches,, exist in two geometrical …
Ultrasensitive chiral spectroscopy by dynamical symmetry breaking in high harmonic generation
We propose and numerically demonstrate a new chiral spectroscopy method that is based
on a universal system-independent mechanism of dynamical symmetry breaking in high …
on a universal system-independent mechanism of dynamical symmetry breaking in high …
Atomic partial wave meter by attosecond coincidence metrology
W Jiang, GSJ Armstrong, J Tong, Y Xu, Z Zuo… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
Attosecond chronoscopy is central to the understanding of ultrafast electron dynamics in
matter from gas to the condensed phase with attosecond temporal resolution. It has …
matter from gas to the condensed phase with attosecond temporal resolution. It has …