Approaches to macroevolution: 2. Sorting of variation, some overarching issues, and general conclusions
D Jablonski - Evolutionary Biology, 2017 - Springer
Approaches to macroevolution require integration of its two fundamental components, within
a hierarchical framework. Following a companion paper on the origin of variation, I here …
a hierarchical framework. Following a companion paper on the origin of variation, I here …
How long do Red Queen dynamics survive under genetic drift? A comparative analysis of evolutionary and eco-evolutionary models
Abstract Background Red Queen dynamics are defined as long term co-evolutionary
dynamics, often with oscillations of genotype abundances driven by fluctuating selection in …
dynamics, often with oscillations of genotype abundances driven by fluctuating selection in …
Host-parasite interactions between Xenoglossa pruinosa (Apidae: Eucerini) and Triepeolus remigatus (Apidae: Epeolini) are characterized by tolerance and …
In cleptoparasitic bees, host aggression and detection avoidance might be the main
selective pressures sha** host-parasite interactions. However, the behavioral responses …
selective pressures sha** host-parasite interactions. However, the behavioral responses …
Parasites destabilize host populations by shifting stage‐structured interactions
Should parasites stabilize or destabilize consumer–resource dynamics? Recent theory
suggests that parasite‐enhanced mortality may confer underappreciated stability to their …
suggests that parasite‐enhanced mortality may confer underappreciated stability to their …
When growing pains and sick days collide: infectious disease can stabilize host population oscillations caused by stage structure
All individuals transition through various life stages over the course of their development and
nearly all organisms must contend with infectious disease at some point in their lives. Yet the …
nearly all organisms must contend with infectious disease at some point in their lives. Yet the …
Asymmetric density‐dependent competition does not contribute to the maintenance of sex in a mixed population of sexual and asexual Potamopyrgus antipodarum
ZM Dinges, CM Lively - Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2022 -
Asexual reproduction is expected to have a twofold reproductive advantage over sexual
reproduction, owing to the cost of producing males in sexual subpopulations. The …
reproduction, owing to the cost of producing males in sexual subpopulations. The …
Mathematical models of host-parasite co-evolution
H Schenk - 2019 -
An important driver of evolution is the selection pressure that results from interactions
between species. One such interaction is the antagonistic relationship of hosts and …
between species. One such interaction is the antagonistic relationship of hosts and …
[BOK][B] Using molecular markers to trace the population history of volant organisms at differing temporal scales
NA Burg - 2018 -
Using molecular markers to test phylogenetic and phylogeographic hypotheses is critical for
tracking the population origin of invasive, introduced species (Chapter 2, Chapter 4) and to …
tracking the population origin of invasive, introduced species (Chapter 2, Chapter 4) and to …
[BOK][B] Selection on Symbioses: Host Switching in a Mutualism and Sex vs. Asex with Coevolving Parasites
ZM Dinges - 2021 -
Symbionts can have large effects on their host populations, either positive, as in the case of
mutualists, or negative, as in the case of biological antagonists. In my dissertation, I examine …
mutualists, or negative, as in the case of biological antagonists. In my dissertation, I examine …