Fluoride occurrence in groundwater systems at global scale and status of defluoridation–state of the art
The occurrence of elevated concentrations of fluoride in the drinking water supply in many
regions of the world has caused widespread prevalence of dental and skeletal fluorosis. In …
regions of the world has caused widespread prevalence of dental and skeletal fluorosis. In …
Recent advances in adsorption techniques for fluoride removal–An overview
One of the biggest issues throughout the globe is the increasing fluoride pollution of the
aquatic environment as a result of both naturally occurring and anthropogenic activities. Its …
aquatic environment as a result of both naturally occurring and anthropogenic activities. Its …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial analysis and GIS map** of regional hotspots and potential health risk of fluoride concentrations in groundwater of northern Tanzania
Safe drinking water supply systems in naturally contaminated hydrogeological environments
require precise geoinformation on contamination hotspots. Spatial statistical methods and …
require precise geoinformation on contamination hotspots. Spatial statistical methods and …
[PDF][PDF] Fluoride levels in surface and groundwater in Africa: a review
J Malago, E Makoba, AN Muzuka - American Journal of Water …, 2017 - fluoridealert.org
Fluoride has been reported to be among natural pollutant of water in Africa. High fluoride
levels beyond the recommended World Health Organization limit of 1.5 mg/l has been …
levels beyond the recommended World Health Organization limit of 1.5 mg/l has been …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial variability of the sources and distribution of fluoride in groundwater of the Sanya alluvial plain aquifers in northern Tanzania
Groundwater contamination from geogenic sources poses challenges to many countries,
especially in the develo** world. In Tanzania, the elevated fluoride (F−) concentration and …
especially in the develo** world. In Tanzania, the elevated fluoride (F−) concentration and …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial uncertainties in fluoride levels and health risks in endemic fluorotic regions of northern Tanzania
Spatial uncertainty caused by large-scale variation in fluoride (F−) occurrence remains a
setback for water supply authorities in the F− belts of the world. It is estimated that …
setback for water supply authorities in the F− belts of the world. It is estimated that …
Naturally occurring potentially toxic elements in groundwater from the volcanic landscape around Mount Meru, Arusha, Tanzania and their potential health hazard
The population of the semi-arid areas of the countries in the East African Rift Valley (EARV)
is faced with serious problems associated with the availability and the quality of the drinking …
is faced with serious problems associated with the availability and the quality of the drinking …
Renewable energy powered membrane technology: Case study of St. Dorcas borehole in Tanzania demonstrating fluoride removal via nanofiltration/reverse osmosis
A brackish borehole located at a rural school in northern Tanzania contains excessive
salinity (TDS= 3632 mg/L) and fluoride concentration (F−= 47.6 mg/L). This field study …
salinity (TDS= 3632 mg/L) and fluoride concentration (F−= 47.6 mg/L). This field study …
Assessment of sources and transformation of nitrate in groundwater on the slopes of Mount Meru, Tanzania
E Elisante, ANN Muzuka - Environmental earth sciences, 2016 - Springer
The stable isotope compositions of nitrogen-nitrate (15 N-NO 3) and oxygen-nitrate (18 O-
NO 3), and concentration of nutrients (NO 3−, NH 4+, NO 2−, PO 4 3−) for water samples …
NO 3), and concentration of nutrients (NO 3−, NH 4+, NO 2−, PO 4 3−) for water samples …
Hydrogeochemical characteristics and spatial distribution of groundwater quality in Arusha well fields, Northern Tanzania
N Chacha, KN Njau, GV Lugomela, ANN Muzuka - Applied Water Science, 2018 - Springer
Arusha aquifers have been exploited intensively serving as the main source of domestic
water supply in the city. But the quality of groundwater is not clearly documented for future …
water supply in the city. But the quality of groundwater is not clearly documented for future …