[HTML][HTML] Efficient computational stochastic framework for performance optimization of E-waste management plant
Purpose Reliability and maintainability are the key system effectiveness measures in
process and manufacturing industries, and treatment plants, especially in E-waste …
process and manufacturing industries, and treatment plants, especially in E-waste …
Availability optimization of biological and chemical processing unit using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization
Purpose The demand of sewage treatment plants is increasing day by day, especially in the
countries like India. Biological and chemical unit of such sewage treatment plants are critical …
countries like India. Biological and chemical unit of such sewage treatment plants are critical …
Modelling and optimization of energy consumption in the activated sludge biological aeration unit
The biological aeration unit consumes the highest energy (67.3%) in wastewater treatment
compared with physical (18.8%) and chemical (13.9%) treatment processes. The high …
compared with physical (18.8%) and chemical (13.9%) treatment processes. The high …
Stochastic modeling and performance optimization of sludge digestion processing system using genetic algorithm
The main objective of present study is to propose a novel stochastic model for performance
optimization of sludge digestion processing system (SDPS). A SDPS is critical subsystem of …
optimization of sludge digestion processing system (SDPS). A SDPS is critical subsystem of …
Image recognition enhances efficient monitoring of the coagulation-settling in drinking water treatment plants
Water pollution is a major issue in the context of increasing population and industrialization,
yet many drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) are not fully efficient countering it. In …
yet many drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) are not fully efficient countering it. In …
Availability optimization of power generating units used in sewage treatment plants using metaheuristic techniques
Metaheuristic techniques have been utilized extensively to predict industrial systems'
optimum availability. This prediction phenomenon is known as the NP-hard problem …
optimum availability. This prediction phenomenon is known as the NP-hard problem …
Cloud infrastructure availability optimization using Dragonfly and Grey Wolf optimization algorithms for health systems
Cloud infrastructure provides a real time computing environment to customers and had wide
applicability in healthcare, medical facilities, business, and several other areas. Most of the …
applicability in healthcare, medical facilities, business, and several other areas. Most of the …
Optimization of Extreme Learning Machine with Metaheuristic Algorithms for Modelling Water Quality Parameters of Tamburawa Water Treatment Plant in Nigeria
Sustainable management of available water resources needs robust and reliable intelligent
tools to address emerging water challenges. These days, artificial intelligence (AI) based …
tools to address emerging water challenges. These days, artificial intelligence (AI) based …
Solving structural and reliability optimization problems using efficient mutation strategies embedded in sine cosine algorithm
Many real-life complex problems are formulated as optimization problems. These
mathematical equations generally are non-convex and non-linear functions. These …
mathematical equations generally are non-convex and non-linear functions. These …
Availability and Performance Analysis of Primary Treatment Unit of Sewage Plant
The main objective of present study is to analyze availability and performance of primary
treatment unit of sewage plant (STP) with component wise redundancy. For this purpose, a …
treatment unit of sewage plant (STP) with component wise redundancy. For this purpose, a …