Enhanced orthopedic implant design for transfemoral amputation incorporating a honeycomb structure technology
After lower limb amputation, the primary challenge is to facilitate the patient's adoption of a
prosthetic limb seamlessly, without encountering complications or discomfort. Elevated …
prosthetic limb seamlessly, without encountering complications or discomfort. Elevated …
Enhancing middle ear implants: Study of biocompatible materials with hydroxyapatite coating
In this manuscript, the application of hydroxyapatite coatings to total ossicular reconstruction
prostheses (TORPs) using finite element modeling simulations was investigated to enhance …
prostheses (TORPs) using finite element modeling simulations was investigated to enhance …
Effect of personalized liner thickness on the stresses at the stump-prosthesis interface
After trans-tibial amputation (TTA) the patient needs prosthesis to maintain mobility,
unfortunately, people with this type of amputation often experience skin degradation due to …
unfortunately, people with this type of amputation often experience skin degradation due to …